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Impression management of South Korean sports stars through image-based social media
Sport in Society ( IF 1.578 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-04 , DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2021.1878146
Eunhye Yoo 1


This study used netnography and interviews to explore the sociocultural significance of South Korean sports stars’ impression management using social media. The study investigated Instagram, a widely used image-based social media platform. Through netnography, the study analysed Instagram content, and then it conducted interviews with stars for deeper interpretation. The results showed that the impression management strategies used are multifaceted. Some stars use social media to maintain personal connections, through which they create intimacy by sharing details from their daily lives and engaging in ‘self-expression’ to empathize with and relate to fans, which in turn helps them promote sponsored products or companies. Others intentionally create distance by uploading posts related to their economic and sociocultural capital. Sports stars also engage in ‘role model’ and ‘modesty’ strategies by presenting themselves as good examples on and off the field and uploading posts that promote their humility, appealing to South Korean social values.




本研究使用网络志和访谈来探讨韩国体育明星使用社交媒体进行印象管理的社会文化意义。该研究调查了 Instagram,一个广泛使用的基于图像的社交媒体平台。该研究通过网络志分析 Instagram 内容,然后对明星进行采访以进行更深入的解读。结果表明,所使用的印象管理策略是多方面的。一些明星使用社交媒体来维持个人联系,通过分享日常生活中的细节和参与“自我表达”来与粉丝产生共鸣和联系,从而建立亲密关系,这反过来又有助于他们推广赞助的产品或公司。其他人则故意通过上传与其经济和社会文化资本相关的帖子来制造距离。
