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The knowledge curve: combining types of knowledges leads to powerful thinking
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education Pub Date : 2020-04-10 , DOI: 10.1080/10382046.2020.1749755
Tine Béneker 1 , Rob van der Vaart 1

Abstract Michael Young has written extensively about “powerful knowledge” as the type of knowledge that should be central in education: knowledge that is – among many other things – reliable and potentially testable, that helps us understand the natural and social world, and offers us a language to engage meaningfully in moral and political debates. As a contribution to the powerful knowledge debate, the authors introduce a so-called knowledge curve, depicting types of knowledge along the axes of level of abstraction and degree of explanatory power. They argue that combining elements of knowledge that are situated on different positions on this curve is what makes the use of knowledge and the thinking process powerful. The implications for school geography are illustrated with the example of global south to north migration.



摘要 迈克尔·杨 (Michael Young) 撰写了大量关于“强大知识”的文章,将“强大的知识”作为教育中的核心知识:知识——除其他外——可靠且具有潜在的可检验性,可帮助我们了解自然和社会世界,并为我们提供一种有意义地参与道德和政治辩论的语言。作为对强大知识辩论的贡献,作者引入了所谓的知识曲线,沿着抽象水平和解释力程度的轴描绘了知识的类型。他们认为,将位于这条曲线上不同位置的知识元素结合起来,才能使知识的使用和思维过程变得强大。以全球从南到北迁移的例子说明了学校地理的影响。