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Consumers’ Willingness to Share Personal Data: Implications for Newspapers’ Business Models
International Journal on Media Management Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14241277.2016.1166429
Tom Evens , Kristin Van Damme

ABSTRACT As people’s willingness to pay for digital news remains low, this article investigates whether people would be willing to share personal data as a new currency for accessing news. Increasingly, news organizations collect personal data and track cross-media consumption to build detailed knowledge about and (re)connect with digital news consumers. This article presents the results of an industry-driven big data project that allows news organizations to engage with their audience more deeply by suggesting personalized content recommendations, serving targeted advertising and/or improving the user experience. It presents the concept of the datawall, where the user pays with their data, and delivers new insights into the challenges facing data-driven business models.



摘要 由于人们为数字新闻付费的意愿仍然很低,本文调查了人们是否愿意将个人数据作为获取新闻的新货币来共享。新闻机构越来越多地收集个人数据并跟踪跨媒体消费,以建立有关数字新闻消费者的详细知识并(重新)与他们建立联系。本文介绍了一个行业驱动的大数据项目的结果,该项目允许新闻机构通过提出个性化内容推荐、提供有针对性的广告和/或改善用户体验来更深入地与受众互动。它提出了数据墙的概念,即用户用他们的数据支付费用,并提供对数据驱动业务模型面临的挑战的新见解。