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Balancing national and ethno-cultural belonging: State recognition and perceived government performance in Mauritius
International Journal of Sociology Pub Date : 2020-02-19 , DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2020.1726026
Femke van der Werf 1 , Maykel Verkuyten 1 , Borja Martinović 1

Abstract Amidst debates about national unity and cultural diversity, this paper examines whether and when people living in a highly diverse country self-identify as a member of their nation, their ethno-cultural group, or with both (dual self-identification). Two large-scale studies with nationally representative data of the Mauritian population show that a clear majority demonstrates dual self-identification. Furthermore, ethno-cultural group membership and perceived fairness of how the government treats one’s ethno-cultural group were found to matter for people’s self-identification. The findings are discussed in relation to the continuing debate about national unity and cultural diversity and the importance of conducting research in understudied contexts.



摘要 在关于民族团结和文化多样性的争论中,本文探讨了生活在高度多样化国家的人们是否以及何时将自我认同为他们的民族、民族文化群体的一员,或两者兼而有之(双重自我认同)。两项具有全国代表性毛里求斯人口数据的大规模研究表明,绝大多数人表现出双重自我认同。此外,发现民族文化群体的成员身份和政府如何对待一个人的民族文化群体的公平性对人们的自我认同很重要。研究结果与关于民族团结和文化多样性的持续辩论以及在研究不足的背景下进行研究的重要性有关。