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Free choice science learning and STEM career choice
International Journal of Science Education, Part B Pub Date : 2018-10-26 , DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2018.1534024
M. Gail Jones 1 , Gina Childers 2 , Elysa Corin 3 , Katherine Chesnutt 1 , Thomas Andre 4

ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between engaging in free choice STEM activities (hobbies) and career selection with the goal of understanding the factors that influence the development of science interests and science identity for those who chose a STEM career and those that did not. The 2864 participants in the study were adult hobbyists that included birders, astronomers, gardeners, model builders, insect collectors, rock/fossil collectors, home brewers, beekeepers, inventors, and environmental monitors. Participants completed a survey about their educational background, levels of hobby participation, motivation to participate in the hobby, perceived benefits of participating in the hobby, influences to continue to continue to engage in the hobby, reported influences on career choice influences, and perceived science identity. Results showed hobbyists with STEM careers were significantly more likely than those without STEM careers to rate elementary, middle, and high school experiences as well as college, museums and science centers, and clubs as influential on the development of the hobby. Those hobbyists with STEM careers were significantly more likely than those without a STEM career to report more ability in science, mathematics, and technology and to report that their choice of a career was influenced by factors such as enjoyment, encouragement from family, and hobby involvement. Conclusions suggest that engagement in a science hobby can provide support for youth to continue on to a STEM career as an adult.



摘要这项研究调查了从事自由选择STEM活动(兴趣爱好)与职业选择之间的关系,目的是了解影响选择STEM事业的人和没有选择STEM事业的人的科学兴趣和科学认同发展的因素。该研究的2864名参与者是成年业余爱好者,其中包括观鸟者,天文学家,园丁,模型制作者,昆虫收集者,岩石/化石收集者,家庭酿酒者,养蜂人,发明家和环境监测员。参与者完成了有关其教育背景,兴趣爱好水平,参与兴趣爱好的动机,对参加兴趣爱好的感知收益,继续从事兴趣爱好的影响力,对职业选择影响力的影响以及感知科学的调查身份。结果显示,具有STEM事业的业余爱好者比没有STEM事业的业余爱好者对小学,初中和高中的经历以及大学,博物馆和科学中心以及俱乐部的发展产生了很大的影响。与没有STEM事业的人相比,那些拥有STEM事业的业余者更有可能报告更多的科学,数学和技术能力,并报告他们的职业选择受到诸如享乐,家庭鼓励和业余爱好等因素的影响。 。结论表明,从事科学爱好可以为青年人成年后继续其STEM职业提供支持。高中的经历,以及大学,博物馆和科学中心以及对爱好发展产生影响的俱乐部。与没有STEM事业的人相比,那些拥有STEM事业的业余者更有可能报告更多的科学,数学和技术能力,并报告他们的职业选择受到诸如享乐,家庭鼓励和业余爱好等因素的影响。 。结论表明,从事科学爱好可以为青年人成年后继续其STEM职业提供支持。高中的经历,以及大学,博物馆和科学中心以及对爱好发展产生影响的俱乐部。与没有STEM事业的人相比,那些拥有STEM事业的业余者更有可能报告更多的科学,数学和技术能力,并报告他们的职业选择受到诸如享乐,家庭鼓励和业余爱好等因素的影响。 。结论表明,从事科学爱好可以为青年人成年后继续其STEM职业提供支持。和技术,并报告他们的职业选择受到诸如享乐,家庭鼓励和业余爱好等因素的影响。结论表明,从事科学爱好可以为青年人成年后继续其STEM职业提供支持。和技术,并报告他们的职业选择受到诸如享乐,家庭鼓励和业余爱好等因素的影响。结论表明,从事科学爱好可以为青年人成年后继续其STEM职业提供支持。