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Nakasone Yasuhiro Peace Institute—Looking Back Over Our Past and Looking Ahead to Our Future—
Asia-Pacific Review Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13439006.2018.1472865
Ken Sato

The Institute for International Policy Studies (IIPS), an independent, non-profit research institute founded in 1998 by former prime minister of Japan Yasuhiro Nakasone, has pursued an ambitious research program that covers the fields of international politics, economics, security, energy, and the environment for 30 years. The Institute also convenes international symposia and seminars on important political and economic issues and conducts joint projects with other research institutes in Japan and internationally. Research findings and policy proposals are published in print and on the website. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Institute’s founding, and to commemorate the 99th birthday of Founder and Chairman Yasuhiro Nakasone, as well as recognize the background and purpose of the research work and further clarify the mission for future research endeavors, as of January 1, 2018, the Institute has been renamed Nakasone Yasuhiro Peace Institute (NPI).



国际政策研究所(IIPS)是由日本前首相中曾根康弘(Yasuhiro Nakasone)于1998年创立的一家独立的非营利性研究所,其研究计划雄心勃勃,涵盖国际政治,经济,安全,能源,和环境长达30年。该研究所还召开有关重要政治和经济问题的国际专题讨论会和研讨会,并与日本和国际上的其他研究机构开展联合项目。研究结果和政策建议以印刷形式和网站发布。在研究所成立30周年之际,为了纪念公司创始人兼董事长中曾根康弘99周年,