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Being and existence: Kierkegaardian echoes in Heidegger’s Black Notebooks
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology Pub Date : 2019-10-20 , DOI: 10.1080/21692327.2018.1519455
Antonio Cimino 1

ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to analyze those passages of the Black Notebooks where Heidegger mentions Søren Kierkegaard and to see how Heidegger interprets Kierkegaard’s impact on his own philosophical thought. The paper intends to clarify whether, and to what extent, Heidegger’s rejection of an existentialist reading of his early thought is plausible and justified. The conclusions reached will be twofold. First, Heidegger tries to reinterpret his existential analytic by using the approach he has developed in his work after Being and Time. In so doing, Heidegger tries to understate or diminish the Kierkegaardian background of his analytic of existence. Second, Heidegger’s retrospective self-interpretation argues for a continuity between the approach he develops in Being and Time and that which he calls the question of ‘the truth of beyng’. In so doing, he does not recognize the inconsistencies and mismatches that characterize his thought during the transition from the existential analytic to the philosophy of the event. The passages dealing with Kierkegaard in the Black Notebooks are important sources that allow us to note how problematic Heidegger’s self-interpretation is.



摘要本文旨在分析《黑笔记本》中海德格尔提到索伦·基尔凯郭尔的那些段落,并观察海德格尔如何解释基尔凯郭尔对他自己的哲学思想的影响。本文旨在澄清海德格尔对存在主义主义思想的早期否定的否定以及在何种程度上是合理的和合理的。得出的结论将是双重的。首先,海德格尔试图通过使用他在《存在与时间》之后的工作中发展的方法来重新诠释他的存在性分析。这样做,海德格尔试图低估或减少他对存在的分析的克尔凯郭尔式背景。其次,海德格尔的回顾性自我解释主张他在“存在与时间”中发展的方法与他所谓的“ beyng真相”问题之间的连续性。在这样做的过程中,他没有意识到在从事件的存在分析到事件哲学的转变过程中,以其思想为特征的矛盾和不匹配。《黑色笔记本》中有关克尔凯郭尔的段落是重要的资料,可以让我们注意到海德格尔的自我解释是多么有问题。