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Equity and social exclusion measures in EU lifelong learning policies
International Journal of Lifelong Education Pub Date : 2019-11-18 , DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2019.1689435
Elena Tuparevska 1 , Rosa Santibáñez 1 , Josu Solabarrieta 1

ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to examine how EU lifelong learning policies are trying to reach the vulnerable by looking at what measures against social exclusion they offer and how equitable these measures are. It is a qualitative study that focuses on policy documents that form the European Union’s legal and political frameworks of reference in the lifelong learning area since 1992. The document analysis has been complemented by semi-structured interviews with EU lifelong learning experts. The findings show that early school leavers and migrants are the main target groups in the policies, leaving many other groups at risk of being excluded from learning opportunities. There is not enough attention to measures addressing wider social phenomena. There is also an overemphasis on basic skills which are understood in a very narrow way as literacy and numeracy when referring to the vulnerable. We argue that a greater variety of measures as well as better targeted measures are needed to address the multiple and complex needs of the vulnerable. Such measures would allow a broader understanding of lifelong learning where those that are hardest to reach are offered learning opportunities independent of their personal and social circumstances



摘要 本文的目的是通过研究欧盟终身学习政策提供哪些反对社会排斥的措施以及这些措施的公平性,来研究欧盟终身学习政策如何试图覆盖弱势群体。这是一项定性研究,侧重于自 1992 年以来形成欧盟终身学习领域法律和政治参考框架的政策文件。文件分析还辅以对欧盟终身学习专家的半结构化访谈。调查结果显示,早退者和移民是政策的主要目标群体,使许多其他群体面临被排除在学习机会之外的风险。对解决更广泛社会现象的措施没有给予足够的重视。还有一种对基本技能的过分强调,这些技能在提及弱势群体时被狭隘地理解为识字和算术。我们认为,需要更多种类的措施以及更有针对性的措施来解决弱势群体的多重复杂需求。这些措施将有助于更广泛地了解终身学习,为那些最难接触到的人提供独立于个人和社会环境的学习机会