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Constructing an English identity in London: Albert Visetti and Anglo-Italian musical exchanges at the end of the nineteenth century
Journal of Modern Italian Studies ( IF 0.500 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1080/1354571x.2020.1859201
Federica Nardacci 1


This article explores the little-known, yet significant figure of the composer and Professor of Singing, Alberto Antonio Visetti (1844–1928). While his biography is still obscure and contested, his commitment to develop Anglo-Italian cultural relations was certainly pioneering. One of Visetti’s most remarkable achievements was to create a cultural exchange between the Royal College of Music and the Bologna Conservatoire by successfully bringing together the heads of the two institutions, Sir Hubert Parry (1848–1918) and Giuseppe Martucci (1856–1909). This connection led to the performance of British music in Italy and to the introduction of the Italian symphonic repertoire in England, which was then dominated by Italian operatic culture. My research further allows us to observe a specific case of the social integration of Italian musicians into London society and its effect on local policies and institutions.


在伦敦建立英语身份:19世纪末阿尔伯特·维塞蒂(Albert Visetti)和盎格鲁-意大利音乐交流


本文探讨了这位作曲家和歌唱教授阿尔贝托·安东尼奥·维塞蒂(Alberto Antonio Visetti,1844-1928年)鲜为人知的重要人物。尽管他的传记仍然晦涩难懂且颇具争议,但他致力于发展英意文化关系的承诺无疑是开创性的。维塞蒂最杰出的成就之一就是通过成功地将休伯特·帕里爵士(1848–1918)和朱塞佩·马丁奇(Giuseppe Martucci)(1856–1909)这两个机构的负责人汇聚在一起,在皇家音乐学院和博洛尼亚音乐学院之间建立了文化交流。这种联系导致了英国音乐在意大利的演出,并导致了在意大利的意大利交响乐剧目的引入,而该交响乐团后来被意大利的歌剧文化所主导。
