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Baring it all for Activism: The 1985 Naked Protest in Mexico
Bulletin of Latin American Research ( IF 0.777 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1111/blar.13107
Sandra C. Mendiola García 1

This article analyses the 1985 naked protest carried out by silver miners of Pachuca, Mexico. This singular form of resistance, the first in Mexican labour history and organised by a dissident group within the miners' union called Liberación Minera (Miners Liberation), forced management to recognise and temporarily solve some of the miners' grievances. The naked protest unveiled the shady practices of the miners' employer, the state-owned Compañía Real del Monte y Pachuca, which refused to provide work clothes and safety equipment to miners. It also pointed to the miners' union leadership's complicity in the deterioration of labour conditions. Part of the miners' naked protest success had to do with the support that they gained from members of the left-wing press who used the protest to offer an early critique of Mexico's neoliberal policies. The 1985 naked protest occurred during one of Mexico's most severe economic crises and only four years before the company became privatised. This protest is one of the last examples of organised labour resistance before industries closed down and fired thousands of workers.


为激进主义不惜一切代价:1985 年墨西哥的裸体抗议

本文分析了 1985 年墨西哥帕丘卡的银矿工人进行的裸体抗议。这种独特的抵抗形式是墨西哥劳工历史上的第一次,由矿工工会内的一个名为Liberación Minera的持不同政见者组织组织(矿工解放),迫使管理层承认并暂时解决了一些矿工的不满。赤裸裸的抗议揭露了矿工雇主、国有企业 Compañía Real del Monte y Pachuca 的阴暗做法,该公司拒绝向矿工提供工作服和安全设备。它还指出了矿工工会领导层在劳动条件恶化中的同谋。矿工赤裸裸的抗议成功部分与他们从左翼媒体成员那里获得的支持有关,他们利用抗议活动对墨西哥的新自由主义政策提出了早期批评。1985 年的裸体抗议发生在墨西哥最严重的经济危机之一期间,距该公司私有化仅四年。