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Music Education Opportunities in Ohio K–12 Public and Charter Schools
Journal of Research in Music Education ( IF 1.985 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1177/0022429420986123
Brian P. Shaw 1

The purpose of this study was to examine which Ohio schools offered curricular music courses and the rates at which students participated in those courses. The analysis involved descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, logistic regression, and partially nested multilevel modeling using data from the Ohio Department of Education (N = 3,222 schools). The investigation revealed that charter schools offered music courses far less often than public schools. However, in charter schools that did offer music, students participated at higher rates than those in public schools. Nearly all public schools featured music classes. The exception was high schools in the highest poverty urban neighborhoods, 31% of which had no curricular music. Students identified as Black, Hispanic, or indigenous were more likely to attend schools without music programs. Elementary students enrolled in an average of 1.00 music classes per year, whereas middle and high school students enrolled in 0.67 and 0.35 music classes per year, respectively. Suburban districts saw the greatest decline in music participation as students progressed to high school. Urban schools with greater percentages of white, non-Hispanic students had higher music enrollment rates.



这项研究的目的是检查俄亥俄州的哪些学校提供了课程音乐课程,以及学生参加这些课程的比率。该分析涉及描述性统计,方差分析,逻辑回归以及使用来自俄亥俄州教育局(N= 3,222所学校)。调查显示,特许学校开设音乐课程的频率远低于公立学校。但是,在提供音乐的特许学校中,学生的参加率要高于公立学校。几乎所有公立学校都开设音乐课。唯一的例外是贫困程度最高的城市社区中的高中,其中31%没有课程音乐。被识别为黑人,西班牙裔或土著人的学生更有可能在没有音乐节目的情况下上学。小学生每年平均上1.00个音乐课,而中学生和高中学生每年分别上0.67和0.35音乐课。随着学生升入高中,郊区地区的音乐参与率下降幅度最大。白人白人比例较高的城市学校,
