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Issues of Implementing Neural Network Algorithms on Memristor Crossbars
Russian Microelectronics Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063739720080053
A. Yu. Morozov , K. K. Abgaryan , D. L. Reviznikov


The property of the natural parallelization of matrix-vector operations inherent in memristor crossbars creates opportunities for their effective use in neural network computing. Analog calculations are faster by orders of magnitude than calculations on a central processor and on graphics accelerators. Furthermore, the energy costs of mathematical operations are significantly lower. At the same time, the low level of accuracy is characteristic of analog computing. In relation to this, studying the dependence of the neural network’s quality on the accuracy of setting its weights is relevant. The paper considers two convolutional neural networks trained on the MNIST (handwritten digits) and CIFAR_10 (airplanes, boats, cars, etc.) data sets. The first convolutional neural network consists of two convolutional layers, one subsample layer and two fully connected layers. The second one consists of four convolutional layers, two subsample layers and two fully connected layers. Calculations in convolutional and fully connected layers are performed through matrix-vector operations that are implemented on memristor crossbars. Subsampling layers imply the operation of finding the maximum value from several values. This operation can be implemented at the analog level. The process of training a neural network runs separately from data analysis. As a rule, gradient optimization methods are used at the training stage. It is advisable to perform calculations using these methods on a CPU. When setting the weights, 3–4 precision bits are required to obtain an acceptable recognition quality in the case the network is trained on MNIST, and 6–8 precision bits are required if the network is trained on CIFAR_10.




