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Hegemonising Zimbabwe? The Polity of Mbare Chimurenga Lyrics in Perpetuating Mugabe’s and ZANU-PF’s Rule
Muziki Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18125980.2018.1482093
Collen Sabao 1

ABSTRACT The role played by music as “popular culture” in political campaigning and in the perpetuation and sustenance of political hegemonies is a very significant one. Music and its accompaniment of dance is a common and popular channel through which political hegemonies are (re)constructed, (re)negotiated and perpetuated. In Zimbabwe the two largest political parties (ZANU-PF and MDC-T) both “own” musical ensembles who have been constantly and consistently producing political party specific lyrics as part of the utilisation of music as popular culture in the broader political discourse of electioneering and election campaigning. Musical lyrics exude attempts at the (re)construction and (re)negotiation of political meaning and reality and by extension the (re)negotiation and (re)configuration of power relations and dynamics. Selected lyrics from the ZANU-PF musical ensemble, Mbare Chimurenga Choir, are examined through the discourse linguistic theory of Appraisal. This is done by examining how the proliferation of linguistic resources that espouse politically and ideologically embedded positive attitudinal resources exhibit a perpetuation of Robert Mugabe’s rule, legacy and hegemony and by extension, that of ZANU-PF. While the analysis is largely couched within Appraisal Theory, the study also draws insights from Gramscian hegemony studies as well as Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The study observes and discusses, as the context for analysis of the discourse linguistic structure of the lyrics, the political environment prevailing in Zimbabwe during the period in which analysed songs were produced. Language (the lyrics), is in this regard perceived of as a superstructural semiotic tool through which hegemonies are (re)constructed, (re)negotiated and sustained.


霸权津巴布韦?Mbare Chimurenga歌词在Mugabe和ZANU-PF统治下的延续

摘要音乐作为“大众文化”在政治竞选活动中以及在政治霸权的长期存在和维持中扮演着非常重要的角色。音乐及其舞蹈伴奏是(重建),(重新)谈判和永存政治霸权的一种普遍而流行的渠道。在津巴布韦,两个最大的政党(ZANU-PF和MDC-T)都是“自己的”音乐合奏团,他们一直不断地制作政党特定的歌词,以此作为在广泛的竞选活动中将音乐作为流行文化的一部分和竞选活动。音乐歌词散发了对政治意义和现实的(重新)建构和(重新)谈判,以及扩展了权力关系和动力的(重新)谈判和(重新)配置的尝试。ZANU-PF音乐合奏团Mbare Chimurenga Choir的部分歌词是通过评估的话语语言学理论进行审查的。这是通过检查在政治和意识形态上拥护积极态度资源的语言资源的扩散如何表现出罗伯特·穆加贝的统治,遗产和霸权以及延伸到ZANU-PF的延续而实现的。尽管该分析主要是在评估理论中进行的,但该研究还从葛兰西霸权研究以及批评性话语分析(CDA)中获得了见识。该研究观察并讨论了作为分析歌词的话语语言结构的背景,津巴布韦在产生分析歌曲的时期盛行的政治环境。语言(歌词),