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Synthetic Biology and Sharing Big
Museums & Social Issues Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15596893.2016.1131098
Karmella Haynes

Abstract Synthetic biology is a relatively new discipline that is going to produce critical biomedical breakthroughs in the coming years. Scientists working in this field create designer molecules or even life forms, either by using forms found in nature or by fabricating new combinations of elements, to mimic natural processes or to work in the body to combat disease in new ways. In addition to the engineering challenges, the idea of creating biological systems raises many ethical and safety issues. Since this interdisciplinary field is very much in the forefront of medical research, it is critical that the public understand not only the science but also the implications of the results, which will involve discussion about regulation, oversight, and application in the public arena.



摘要 合成生物学是一门相对较新的学科,将在未来几年内产生关键的生物医学突破。在这一领域工作的科学家通过使用自然界中发现的形式或通过制造新的元素组合来创造设计分子甚至生命形式,以模仿自然过程或在体内以新的方式对抗疾病。除了工程挑战之外,创建生物系统的想法还引发了许多伦理和安全问题。由于这一跨学科领域处于医学研究的前沿,因此公众不仅要了解科学,还要了解结果的含义,这将涉及有关监管、监督和公共领域应用的讨论,这一点至关重要。