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Digital Pathways in Community Museums
Museum International Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1111/muse.12198
Catherine Anne Cassidy , Adeola Fabola , Alan Miller , Karin Weil , Simón Urbina , Mario Antas , Alissandra Cummins

Abstract In this article, we investigate the positive impact recent developments in digital technologies have on the relations between museums, their collections and the communities they serve. Our work indicates that sustainable benefit is produced with the use of existing digital literacies and infrastructures. We have analysed and evaluated the potential of emergent 3D and spherical technologies on the relationships between community and museum, participation in the formation of heritage, the ‘visit’ to the museum, and connection with remote audiences. The evaluation arises from our long term experience in working with community museums and through a series of workshops developed for the project entitled ‘Museums and Community: Concepts, experiences, and sustainability in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean’ (‐‐). Firstly, we contextualise the work presented by examining community museums, trends in emergent technologies and the advancements in digital heritage. Secondly, we analyse the methodologies used to design and execute the elements of the workshops, along with assess case studies to demonstrate distinctive experiences and outcomes particular to each workshop. We also describe how we constructed and implemented a novel design for a cost effective Virtual Museum Infrastructure (), which makes it simpler for communities to create a virtual museum and connect it with global museum networks. Our aim is to communicate our findings in relation to methodologies, workflows and technologies that will be of value in understanding how to overcome the challenges emergent technologies present but yet have the potential to strengthen both community and museum.



摘要 在本文中,我们调查了数字技术的最新发展对博物馆、馆藏和所服务社区之间关系的积极影响。我们的工作表明,使用现有的数字素养和基础设施可以产生可持续的利益。我们已经分析和评估了新兴 3D 和球形技术在社区与博物馆之间的关系、参与遗产形成、“参观”博物馆以及与远程观众的联系方面的潜力。评估源于我们与社区博物馆合作的长期经验,以及为名为“博物馆和社区:欧洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的概念、经验和可持续性”(‐‐) 的项目开发的一系列研讨会。首先,我们通过研究社区博物馆、新兴技术的趋势和数字遗产的进步,将所呈现的工作置于背景之中。其次,我们分析用于设计和执行研讨会要素的方法,并评估案例研究以展示每个研讨会特有的独特经验和成果。我们还描述了我们如何构建和实施具有成本效益的虚拟博物馆基础设施 () 的新颖设计,这使社区可以更轻松地创建虚拟博物馆并将其与全球博物馆网络连接起来。我们的目标是交流我们在方法论、工作流程和技术方面的发现,这些发现对于理解如何克服新兴技术所面临的挑战具有价值,但又具有加强社区和博物馆的潜力。