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“I saw Othello’s visage in his mind”, or “White Mask, Black Handkerchif”: Satoshi Miyagi’s Mugen-Noh Othello and Translation Theory
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance Pub Date : 2016-12-30 , DOI: 10.1515/mstap-2016-0015
Ted Motohashi

Abstract This paper tries to detect key elements in the translated performance of Shakespeare by focusing on Satoshi Miyagi’s “Mugen-Noh Othello” (literally meaning “Dreamy Illusion Noh play Othello”), first performed in Tokyo by Ku=Nauka Theatre Company in 2005, and subsequently seen in New Delhi, having now acquired a classic status of renowned Shakespearean adaptation in a foreign language that bridges a gap between the traditional form of Noh and the modern stage-presentation.



摘要本文试图通过重点研究宫城本聪(Satoshi Miyagi)于2005年在东京首次演出的宫城里敏的《梦中的奥赛罗》(字面上的意思是《梦幻幻的奥赛罗》)来发现莎士比亚戏剧翻译中的关键元素,后来在新德里看到,现在以外语获得了著名的莎士比亚改编作品的经典地位,弥合了传统的能剧形式和现代舞台表演之间的鸿沟。