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Tangling with Whiteness and Multicultural (Neo)liberalism: Canada’s Timely Lessons on Denial and Praxis for Global Educators
Multicultural Perspectives Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15210960.2018.1467765
Jenni Conrad 1

Both from within and outside many view Canada as a beacon of tolerance and moral superiority, particularly in contrast to its southern neighbor. Yet, as Darren Lund and Paul Carr’s recent volume Revisiting the Great White North? Reframing Whiteness, Privilege, and Identity in Education (2015) shows, this narrative actually maintains the power of Whiteness as a thought system and sociopolitical structure. By analyzing how Canadians promote and protect a liberal and nonracist self-image, this book helps us decipher sometimes hidden forms and denial of racism, particularly in teaching and education contexts. More broadly, this analysis helps explain the resurgence of White supremacy occurring today in Canada, the United States, Western Europe, and beyond. The recent anniversary of six men killed as they prayed at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Qu ebec on January 29, 2017 (Gutnick, 2017), offers a chilling reminder of the deep need to account for increasing racial violence in global contexts often described as “liberal” and “multicultural.” This review aims to show the book’s relevance for understanding contemporary global patterns and practices of Whiteness, particularly in nations with multicultural policy commitments and settler/ colonial legacies as well as in contexts understood as liberal or progressive. Even without a unified definition the volume consistently references Whiteness in several forms: as an ideology advancing White supremacy and Eurocentrism, as a power structure privileging Whites in material and systematic ways, and as a context that silences and makes invisible its workings. With recent waves of nationalism, populism, and explicit racism traversing the globe, the book’s lessons deserve an audience beyond its acclaim in Canada. Throughout this 19chapter second edition the editors and authors work to challenge Canadian racism, acknowledge White responsibility and complicity, and elucidate the complex interrelationships among liberal multiculturalism, colorblindness, and denial. Some context for international relevance may serve readers who, like many Canadians, see the Correspondence should be sent to Jenni Conrad, College of Education, University of Washington, 2012 Skagit Lane, Miller Hall Box 353600, Seattle, WA 98195. E-mail: conradj@uw.edu



国内外许多人都将加拿大视为宽容和道德优越的灯塔,特别是与其南部邻国形成鲜明对比。然而,正如达伦·隆德和保罗·卡尔最近出版的《重温大白北》?Reframing Whiteness, Privilege, and Identity in Education (2015) 显示,这种叙述实际上保持了白人作为一种思想体系和社会政治结构的力量。通过分析加拿大人如何促进和保护自由和非种族主义的自我形象,这本书帮助我们解读有时隐藏的形式和对种族主义的否认,特别是在教学和教育背景下。更广泛地说,这种分析有助于解释今天在加拿大、美国、西欧和其他地方发生的白人至上主义的复兴。2017 年 1 月 29 日,六名男子在伊斯兰文化中心祈祷时被杀 (Gutnick,2017 年) 的最近周年纪念日,令人不寒而栗地提醒人们,在通常被描述为“自由”和“多元文化”。本评论旨在展示该书与理解当代全球白人模式和实践的相关性,特别是在具有多元文化政策承诺和定居者/殖民遗产的国家以及被理解为自由或进步的背景下。即使没有统一的定义,该卷也始终以多种形式提及白人:作为一种推进白人至上主义和欧洲中心主义的意识形态,作为一种以物质和系统方式赋予白人特权的权力结构,并作为一个环境,它的工作沉默和不可见。随着最近的民族主义、民粹主义和赤裸裸的种族主义浪潮席卷全球,这本书的课程值得在加拿大广受好评。在这 19 章第二版中,编辑和作者努力挑战加拿大种族主义,承认白人的责任和同谋,并阐明自由多元文化主义、色盲和否认之间复杂的相互关系。一些与国际相关的背景可能为读者提供服务,他们像许多加拿大人一样,看到信件应发送至 Jenni Conrad,华盛顿大学教育学院,2012 Skagit Lane, Miller Hall Box 353600, Seattle, WA 98195。电子邮件: conradj@uw.edu 这本书的课程值得在加拿大广受好评。在这 19 章第二版中,编辑和作者努力挑战加拿大种族主义,承认白人的责任和同谋,并阐明自由多元文化主义、色盲和否认之间复杂的相互关系。一些与国际相关的背景可能为读者提供服务,他们像许多加拿大人一样,看到信件应发送至 Jenni Conrad,华盛顿大学教育学院,2012 Skagit Lane, Miller Hall Box 353600, Seattle, WA 98195。电子邮件: conradj@uw.edu 这本书的课程值得在加拿大广受好评。在这 19 章第二版中,编辑和作者努力挑战加拿大种族主义,承认白人的责任和同谋,并阐明自由多元文化主义、色盲和否认之间复杂的相互关系。一些与国际相关的背景可能为读者提供服务,他们像许多加拿大人一样,看到信件应发送至 Jenni Conrad,华盛顿大学教育学院,2012 Skagit Lane, Miller Hall Box 353600, Seattle, WA 98195。电子邮件: conradj@uw.edu 并阐明自由多元文化主义、色盲和否认之间复杂的相互关系。一些与国际相关的背景可能为读者提供服务,他们像许多加拿大人一样,看到信件应发送至 Jenni Conrad,华盛顿大学教育学院,2012 Skagit Lane, Miller Hall Box 353600, Seattle, WA 98195。电子邮件: conradj@uw.edu 并阐明自由多元文化主义、色盲和否认之间复杂的相互关系。一些与国际相关的背景可能为读者提供服务,他们像许多加拿大人一样,看到信件应发送至 Jenni Conrad,华盛顿大学教育学院,2012 Skagit Lane, Miller Hall Box 353600, Seattle, WA 98195。电子邮件: conradj@uw.edu