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Enterprise, activism and charity: Mary Pickford and the urban elite of Derby, 1780-1812
Midland History Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0047729x.2020.1712079
Peter Collinge 1

ABSTRACT Assessing the role of the enterprising middle-ranking widow amongst the urban elite in Derby, England, this article focuses on Mary Pickford, the contribution she made to the early textile industry, her political engagement, and her charitable concerns. The interrelated aspects of Pickford’s life simultaneously contributed to her social standing and to Derby’s economic development. The East Midlands was synonymous with the large-scale textile concerns of the Strutts and the Arkwrights about whom much has been written. Pickford’s moderately-sized business, however, is more representative of the majority about which far less is known. As such, an analysis of her activities, drawn from fragmentary sources, recognises the significance of the individual and the enmeshed nature of female involvement in urban life, thereby adding to a greater understanding of industrial and urban growth in the region.



摘要 本文评估了英国德比城市精英中富有进取心的中级寡妇的角色,重点介绍了玛丽·皮克福德、她对早期纺织业的贡献、她的政治参与和她的慈善事业。皮克福德生活中相互关联的方面同时为她的社会地位和德比的经济发展做出了贡献。东米德兰兹是 Strutts 和 Arkwrights 的大规模纺织问题的代名词,他们已经写了很多。然而,Pickford 的中等规模的业务更能代表大多数人,而对其知之甚少。因此,从零散的资料中提取的对她的活动的分析认识到个人的重要性以及女性参与城市生活的交织性质,