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Middle East Critique ( IF 1.630 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/19436149.2018.1516022
Anders Persson

Thrall, Nathan (2017) The Only Language They Understand: Forcing Compromise in Israel and Palestine (New York: Metropolitan Books). xþ 224 pages. Notes to p. 307; Acknowledgments to p. 312; Index to p. 323. Hardcover, $15.40. For Nathan Thrall, the only language Israelis and Palestinians understand is force— including but not limited to violence. He writes this concise but compelling argument as a senior analyst with the International Crisis Group. Thrall methodologically goes through case after case, most notably the largest concessions from each side, from Israeli territorial withdrawals to the Palestinian acceptance for the two-state solution, and demonstrates that it was force and coercion, not talks and financial rewards, that led to these concessions. The book’s insights need to be read by all international diplomats and mediators who focus on the conflict, especially Americans and Europeans. The author is brutally critical of former US President Barack Obama, whose distinguishing feature in the conflict, according to Thrall, was that, unlike his recent predecessors, he did not have a single achievement to his name.



内森·萨尔(Thall,Nathan)(2017)他们了解的唯一语言:迫使以色列和巴勒斯坦妥协(纽约:大都会书籍)。xþ224页。对p的注释。307; 对p的致谢。312; 索引到p。323.精装书,15.40美元。对内森·萨尔(Nathan Thrall)而言,以色列人和巴勒斯坦人唯一能理解的语言是武力-包括但不限于暴力。作为国际危机组织的高级分析师,他写了这个简洁而引人注目的论点。萨尔从方法上逐案审查,最明显的是双方最大的让步,从以色列领土的撤军到巴勒斯坦对两国解决方案的接受,并证明了导致这一结果的是武力和胁迫,而不是会谈和财务奖励这些让步。本书的真知灼见需要所有关注冲突的国际外交官和调解人,特别是美国人和欧洲人来阅读。作家残酷地批评了美国前总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)。根据萨尔(Thall)的说法,他在冲突中的显着特征是,与他的前任不同,他的名字没有一个单一成就。