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The Scale and Impact of Viking Settlement in Northumbria
Medieval Archaeology Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00766097.2018.1535382

DISCOVERIES AT the Viking winter camp at Torksey indicate that the armies that invaded Anglo-Saxon England in the late 9th century were much larger than is often assumed, and that a literal reading of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’s assessment of the size of Viking fleets may, after all, have been correct. Furthermore, study of the Torksey metalwork assemblage has allowed the identification of the archaeological signature of the Viking Great Army, and when applied to Cottam, it confirms the identification of an initial phase of raiding by an element of the Army, followed shortly thereafter by settlement represented by the development of a hybrid Anglo-Scandinavian culture. Taken together, over 25 categories of non-ferrous artefacts are diagnostic of Viking or Anglo-Scandinavian activity in Northumbria. Applying this model to sites, largely known only from metal-detecting, we can observe a common pattern. At the majority of sites, a large and fairly standardised middle Anglo-Saxon finds assemblage is succeeded by just a few Viking finds, which we attribute to raiding following Halfdan’s return to Northumbria with part of the Great Army in AD 876. At a smaller number of sites, assemblages of Anglo-Scandinavian finds relate to the establishment of settlements by the new landowners. The overall picture is of major settlement disruption and dislocation of existing land holdings and populations in the late-9th century. This demonstrates, for the first time from archaeological evidence, the scale and impact of Viking activity in Northumbria.



在托克西维京冬季营地的发现表明,在 9 世纪后期入侵盎格鲁撒克逊英格兰的军队比人们通常认为的要大得多,从字面上看盎格鲁撒克逊编年史对维京舰队规模的评估可能毕竟,一直是正确的。此外,对托克西金属制品组合的研究已经允许识别维京大军的考古特征,当应用于科塔姆时,它证实了陆军部队袭击的初始阶段,随后不久是定居点以混合盎格鲁-斯堪的纳维亚文化的发展为代表。总而言之,超过 25 类有色金属制品可用于诊断诺森比亚维京人或盎格鲁-斯堪的纳维亚人的活动。将此模型应用于网站,很大程度上只能通过金属检测得知,我们可以观察到一个共同的模式。在大多数地点,一个大型且相当标准化的中盎格鲁撒克逊人发现的集合被少数维京人发现所取代,我们将其归因于哈夫丹在公元 876 年与部分大军返回诺森比亚后的袭击。数量较少在遗址中,盎格鲁-斯堪的纳维亚发现的集合与新土地所有者建立定居点有关。总体情况是 9 世纪后期现有土地和人口的主要定居点破坏和错位。这首次从考古证据中证明了诺森比亚维京人活动的规模和影响。一个大型且相当标准化的中间盎格鲁撒克逊人发现的集合被少数维京人发现所取代,我们将其归因于公元 876 年哈夫丹带着部分大军返回诺森比亚后的袭击。在少数地点,盎格鲁人的集合- 斯堪的纳维亚发现与新土地所有者建立定居点有关。总体情况是 9 世纪后期现有土地和人口的主要定居点破坏和错位。这首次从考古证据中证明了诺森比亚维京人活动的规模和影响。一个大型且相当标准化的中间盎格鲁撒克逊人发现的集合被少数维京人发现所取代,我们将其归因于公元 876 年哈夫丹带着部分大军返回诺森比亚后的袭击。在少数地点,盎格鲁人的集合- 斯堪的纳维亚发现与新土地所有者建立定居点有关。总体情况是 9 世纪后期现有土地和人口的主要定居点破坏和错位。这首次从考古证据中证明了诺森比亚维京人活动的规模和影响。盎格鲁-斯堪的纳维亚发现的集合与新土地所有者建立定居点有关。总体情况是 9 世纪后期现有土地和人口的主要定居点破坏和错位。这首次从考古证据中证明了诺森比亚维京人活动的规模和影响。盎格鲁-斯堪的纳维亚发现的集合与新土地所有者建立定居点有关。总体情况是 9 世纪后期现有土地和人口的主要定居点破坏和错位。这首次从考古证据中证明了诺森比亚维京人活动的规模和影响。