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Online Pricing Strategies: Implications for Luxury Consumers
Luxury Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/20511817.2017.1279834
Russell S. Winer

Abstract For most products, price is the marketing variable customers react to more than any other. While this may be less so for luxury products, marketers of luxury brands still have to set a price. Most managers emphasize costs and competition when setting price. However, the third component of price, customer value or what a customer is willing to pay, is considered less often and is, in fact, much more important than costs and competition for luxury goods. Today, in this era of digital marketing, marketers have a greater ability to understand customer value and set a price accordingly. In this paper, new approaches to digital pricing that incorporate customer value are described and shown how they impact luxury good pricing.



摘要 对于大多数产品而言,价格是客户对营销变量的反应比其他任何变量都大。尽管对于奢侈品而言,情况可能不那么如此,但奢侈品牌的营销人员仍然必须设定价格。大多数管理者在设定价格时强调成本和竞争。然而,价格、客户价值或客户愿意支付的价格的第三个组成部分很少被考虑,事实上,它比奢侈品的成本和竞争重要得多。今天,在这个数字营销时代,营销人员有更强大的能力来了解客户价值并相应地设定价格。在本文中,描述了包含客户价值的数字定价新方法,并展示了它们如何影响奢侈品定价。