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Crossing the Sea with Syrians on the Exodus to Europe: Negotiating Identity, History, and Relations
Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory Pub Date : 2018-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10436928.2018.1456284
Madhushala Senaratne

In Crossing the Sea with Syrians on the Exodus to Europe, the journalist Wolfgang Bauer narrates the journey of a group of Syrian refugees as they flee their homes amidst the country’s worsening conflict, and look for freedom and stability in Europe. In documenting their journey, Bauer reports undercover, and along with photographer Stanislav Krupar they pose as English teachers as they join other refugees in their perilous journey to Europe. Incontrovertibly, Bauer’s account is chilling and distressing and it comes at a timely juncture, given the situation in Syria is regarded as one of the worst contemporary humanitarian crises facing our world today. Indeed, images and stories of men, women, and children, drowning in the seas as they seek shelter in Europe, have been splashed across news media outlets. For example, the distressing image of the lifeless body of Aylan Kurdi (later named as Alan Kurdi), washed up on a Turkish beach in September 2015, galvanised the Western public over questions of refugees. The young child died when the boat he was travelling in with his family capsized as they fled Syria in an attempt to cross theMediterranean to theGreek island of Kos.With over 5million people having fled Syria since 2011, migration has also become a largely contested topic in global discourse (“Syria Emergency”). These images and stories, along with the circumstances that necessarily accompany those depicted, have contributed to the rise to the now-familiar figure of the refugees as threat to Western standards, structures, and security. Against such stereotypical images and narratives, Bauer’s account offers an alternative. The journey that refugees undertake through various points of transit, crossing land, and then sea, is dotted with perils and uncertainties. Lacking identification papers and documents, their journeys are deemed illegal, and despite international conventions and protocols, such as the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees that outline the rights of refugees, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which recognises the basic rights and fundamental freedoms human beings are entitled to, they have few rights and freedoms and suffer innumerable indignities. In Bauer’s account, refugees are beaten, blackmailed, and imprisoned as they journey through various spaces of non-belonging. As Bauer narrativizes events and lives of people,



沃尔夫冈·鲍尔(Wolfgang Bauer)在叙利亚人与埃及人一起出海穿越欧洲的途中,讲述了一群叙利亚难民在该国日益恶化的冲突中逃离家园的旅程,并在欧洲寻求自由与稳定。在记录他们的旅程时,鲍尔报道了秘密事件,并与摄影师斯坦尼斯拉夫·克鲁帕尔(Stanislav Krupar)一起当英语老师,与其他难民一起前往欧洲冒险。毫无疑问,鲍尔的叙述令人畏惧和痛苦,并且适逢其时,因为叙利亚局势被视为当今世界面临的最严重的当代人道主义危机之一。确实,在欧洲寻找庇护所时淹没在海洋中的男女老少的图像和故事已经在新闻媒体上流传开来。例如,2015年9月,在土耳其的海滩上被洗劫一空的艾伦·库尔迪(Aylan Kurdi)(后称艾伦·库尔迪(Alan Kurdi))的尸体令人痛苦的形象,在难民问题上激怒了西方公众。这名年幼的孩子在与家人一起乘船逃离叙利亚以试图越过地中海前往希腊的科斯岛时丧生。自2011年以来,已有500万人逃离叙利亚,移民也成为该国备受争议的话题全球话语(“叙利亚紧急情况”)。这些图像和故事以及所描述的情况必然伴随着这些情况,使现在熟悉的难民人数上升,成为对西方标准,结构和安全的威胁。针对这种刻板印象的图像和叙述,鲍尔的叙述提供了另一种选择。难民通过各个过境点,越过陆地,然后出海的旅程充满了危险和不确定性。由于没有身份证和文件,他们的旅行被视为非法,尽管有国际公约和议定书,例如1951年《难民公约》和1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》,其中概述了难民的权利以及《世界人类宣言》。权利(UDHR)承认人类享有的基本权利和基本自由,他们的权利和自由很少,享有无数的尊严。按照鲍尔的说法,难民在穿越各种非财产空间时遭到殴打,勒索和监禁。当鲍尔(Bauer)迷惑人的事件和生活时,然后是海洋,到处是危险和不确定性。由于没有身份证和文件,他们的旅行被视为非法,尽管有国际公约和议定书,例如1951年《难民公约》和1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》,其中概述了难民的权利以及《世界人类宣言》。权利(UDHR)承认人类享有的基本权利和基本自由,他们的权利和自由很少,享有无数的尊严。按照鲍尔的说法,难民在穿越各种非财产空间时遭到殴打,勒索和监禁。当鲍尔(Bauer)迷惑人的事件和生活时,然后是海洋,到处是危险和不确定性。由于没有身份证和文件,他们的旅行被视为非法,尽管有国际公约和议定书,例如1951年《难民公约》和1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》,其中概述了难民的权利以及《世界人类宣言》。权利(UDHR)承认人类享有的基本权利和基本自由,他们的权利和自由很少,享有无数的尊严。按照鲍尔的说法,难民在穿越各种非财产空间时遭到殴打,勒索和监禁。当鲍尔(Bauer)迷惑人的事件和生活时 尽管有国际公约和议定书,例如概述难民权利的1951年《难民公约》和1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》,以及承认基本权利和基本自由的《世界人权宣言》,人类有权享有的权利和自由少,享有无数的尊严。按照鲍尔的说法,难民在穿越各种非财产空间时遭到殴打,勒索和监禁。当鲍尔(Bauer)迷惑人的事件和生活时,尽管有国际公约和议定书,例如概述难民权利的1951年《难民公约》和1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》,以及承认基本权利和基本自由的《世界人权宣言》,人类有权享有的权利和自由少,享有无数的尊严。按照鲍尔的说法,难民在穿越各种非财产空间时遭到殴打,勒索和监禁。当鲍尔(Bauer)迷惑人的事件和生活时,以及承认人类享有的基本权利和基本自由的《世界人权宣言》(UDHR),他们的权利和自由很少,享有无数的尊严。按照鲍尔的说法,难民在穿越各种非财产空间时遭到殴打,勒索和监禁。当鲍尔(Bauer)迷惑人的事件和生活时 以及承认人类享有的基本权利和基本自由的《世界人权宣言》(UDHR),他们的权利和自由很少,享有无数的尊严。按照鲍尔的说法,难民在穿越各种非财产空间时遭到殴打,勒索和监禁。当鲍尔(Bauer)迷惑人的事件和生活时