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A Moabite Sanctuary at Khirbat Ataruz, Jordan: stratigraphy, findings, and archaeological implications
Levant Pub Date : 2018-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/00758914.2019.1620010
Chang-Ho Ji 1

The excavations of Khirbat Ataruz in central Jordan revealed a small cult building, with a portable stone altar with Moabite inscriptions on the body. This article concentrates on the stratigraphy and the analysis of building and vessel finds, most published here for the first time, associated with the inscription and sanctuary room. The building, dated to the mid/late 9th–early 8th centuries BCE, was constructed directly on top of earlier architecture, with substantive modification that is connected to the Iron IIA temple complex at the acropolis. This construction activity might relate to the story of a Moabite war against the ancient city of Ataroth mentioned in the Mesha Stele. Accordingly, the study of stratigraphic, ceramic and architectural evidence linked to the sanctuary and inscription offers a rare possibility to enhance our understanding of historical and archaeological issues related to the Moabites and the Mesha Stele.


约旦 Khirbat Ataruz 的摩押保护区:地层学、发现和考古意义

在约旦中部 Khirbat Ataruz 的发掘中发现了一座小型邪教建筑,有一个便携式石头祭坛,身上刻有摩押人的铭文。这篇文章集中在地层学和建筑和船只发现的分析上,其中大部分是第一次在这里发表,与铭文和圣所室有关。该建筑可追溯到公元前 9 世纪中后期至 8 世纪早期,直接在早期建筑的顶部建造,经过实质性修改,与卫城的 Iron IIA 寺庙建筑群相连。这项建筑活动可能与米沙石碑中提到的摩押人对阿塔罗斯古城的战争的故事有关。因此,地层学的研究,