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Plant domestication, production intensification and food storage at Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Dhra‘
Levant Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00758914.2018.1424746
Sue Colledge 1 , James Conolly 2 , Bill Finlayson 3 , Ian Kuijt 4

We present detailed accounts of the archaeobotanical remains recovered from the excavations of the southern Levantine Pre-Pottery Neolithic A site of Dhra‘, including metric and morphological analysis of barley grains. Comparisons with other early Epi-Palaeolithic and Neolithic sites indicate that the Dhra‘ grains are larger than recorded wild specimens, but fall at the lower range of domestic species, consistent with intermediary pre-domestication cultivation status. We contextualize these results in relation to associated evidence for food storage at Dhra‘, as well as the ecology of wild plants and early crops, and processing technologies across the Levant.


陶器前新石器时代 A Dhra 的植物驯化、生产集约化和食物储存

我们详细介绍了从南部黎凡特前陶器新石器时代 Dhra 遗址发掘中恢复的古植​​物遗骸的详细说明,包括大麦粒的度量和形态分析。与其他早期旧石器时代和新石器时代遗址的比较表明,Dhra' 谷物比记录的野生标本大,但属于家养物种的较低范围,与中间驯化前的栽培状态一致。我们将这些结果与 Dhra' 粮食储存的相关证据、野生植物和早期作物的生态以及整个黎凡特的加工技术相关联。