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Termination of Maritime Boundaries Due to a Fundamental Change of Circumstances
Utrecht Journal of International and European Law Pub Date : 2016-09-29 , DOI: 10.5334/ujiel.335
Snjólaug Árnadóttir

An unforeseen fundamental change of circumstances can be invoked to prompt the termination of a treaty, under the customary rule rebus sic stantibus , which is codified in Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT). The fundamental change must affect the essential basis of the treaty and radically transform obligations still to be performed. Maritime boundaries are agreed upon in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and they delimit overlapping maritime entitlements, which are generated by coastal features. Natural occurrences can cause significant and unexpected changes in coastal geography which can affect circumstances essential to a maritime boundary treaty’s conclusion and radically alter the extent of on-going obligations. Treaties establishing boundaries cannot be subject to unilateral termination by virtue of a fundamental change of circumstances because they are excluded under Article 62(2)(a) VCLT. However, the travaux preparatoires of the International Law Commission and relevant case law suggests that the exclusion only covers treaties delimiting territorial boundaries and full sovereignty. Consequently, treaties establishing boundaries to the exclusive economic zone, exclusive fisheries zone and the continental shelf can be subject to termination due to a fundamental change of circumstances.



根据《维也纳条约法公约》(VCLT)第62条的惯例规则,可以援引无法预见的根本情况变化,以促使条约终止。根本变化必须影响条约的基本基础,并从根本上改变仍需履行的义务。海上边界是根据《联合国海洋法公约》商定的,它们划定了由沿海特征产生的重叠海上权利。自然事件会导致沿海地理发生重大而出乎意料的变化,这可能会影响到订立海洋边界条约所必不可少的情况,并从根本上改变现行义务的范围。由于情况的根本变化,建立边界的条约不能单方面终止,因为《 VCLT》第62条第2款第(a)项将其排除在外。但是,国际法委员会和有关判例法的准备工作建议,排除范围仅涵盖界定领土边界和完全主权的条约。因此,由于情况的根本变化,建立专属经济区,专属渔业区和大陆架边界的条约可能会终止。国际法委员会和相关判例法的准备工作建议,排除范围仅涵盖界定领土边界和完全主权的条约。因此,由于情况的根本变化,建立专属经济区,专属渔业区和大陆架边界的条约可能会终止。国际法委员会和相关判例法的准备工作建议,排除范围仅涵盖界定领土边界和完全主权的条约。因此,由于情况的根本变化,建立专属经济区,专属渔业区和大陆架边界的条约可能会终止。