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Bridging Scholarship and Practice: 20 Years of the Public International Law and Policy Group
Utrecht Journal of International and European Law Pub Date : 2017-04-12 , DOI: 10.5334/ujiel.401
Brianne McGonigle Leyh , Julie Fraser

When the Editor-in-Chief of the Utrecht Journal of International and European Law (UJIEL) approached us with the possibility of guest editing a special issue related to public international law and policy, we felt the timing could not have been better. As academics at Utrecht University with the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights and Montaigne Centre for Judicial Administration and Conflict Resolution, we felt that a theme linking the world of lawyers with that of policymakers was important in order to examine the role of law in protecting human rights and security. Moreover, as Senior Counsel with the Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG), which celebrated its 20-year anniversary in 2016, we welcomed the idea to link academic scholarship with the work of PILPG. After all, PILPG’s founders, Professor Paul Williams and Professor Michael Scharf, have themselves acted as bridges between scholarship and practice for years. As a result, this special edition is not only intended to highlight the extraordinary work carried out by PILPG on issues of law and policy around the world, but also to emphasise the importance of linking scholarship with practice and addressing contemporary issues impacting the world in which we live. PILPG’s motto ‘lawyering peace’ requires reflection on the role that law can play in helping to bring about the peaceful resolution of serious problems affecting individuals and societies as a whole. This special edition of UJIEL, addressing a variety of themes, does just that.



当《乌得勒支国际和欧洲法杂志》(UJIEL)的总编辑与我们联系时,有可能让客人编辑与国际公法和政策有关的特刊,我们感到时机再好不过了。作为乌得勒支大学,荷兰人权研究所和蒙田大学司法行政与冲突解决中心的学者,我们认为将律师界与决策者界联系起来的主题很重要,以便研究法律在保护人权中的作用和安全性。此外,作为国际公共法律和政策小组(PILPG)的高级法律顾问,该小组于2016年庆祝成立20周年,我们欢迎将学术奖学金与PILPG的工作联系起来的想法。毕竟,PILPG的创始人 多年来,保罗·威廉姆斯(Paul Williams)教授和迈克尔·沙尔夫(Michael Scharf)教授一直是学术和实践之间的桥梁。因此,本特别版不仅着重强调了PILPG在全球法律和政策问题上开展的非凡工作,而且着重强调了将学术与实践联系起来并解决影响世界的当代问题的重要性。我们住在。PILPG的座右铭“争取和平”要求反思法律在帮助和平解决影响个人和整个社会的严重问题方面可以发挥的作用。UJIEL的这个特别版本解决了各种主题,正是这样做的。本期特别版不仅旨在突出PILPG在全球法律和政策问题上所做的非凡工作,而且强调将学术与实践联系起来并解决影响我们生活世界的当代问题的重要性。PILPG的座右铭“争取和平”要求反思法律在帮助和平解决影响个人和整个社会的严重问题方面可以发挥的作用。UJIEL的这个特别版本解决了各种主题,正是这样做的。本期特别版不仅旨在突出PILPG在全球法律和政策问题上所做的非凡工作,而且强调将学术与实践联系起来并解决影响我们生活世界的当代问题的重要性。PILPG的座右铭“争取和平”要求反思法律在帮助和平解决影响个人和整个社会的严重问题方面可以发挥的作用。UJIEL的这个特别版本解决了各种主题,正是这样做的。PILPG的座右铭“争取和平”要求反思法律在帮助和平解决影响个人和整个社会的严重问题方面可以发挥的作用。UJIEL的这个特别版本解决了各种主题,正是这样做的。PILPG的座右铭“争取和平”要求反思法律在帮助和平解决影响个人和整个社会的严重问题方面可以发挥的作用。UJIEL的这个特别版本解决了各种主题,正是这样做的。