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The Conundrum of DDR Coordination: The Case of South Sudan
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.5334/sta.628
Guy Lamb , Theo Stainer

This article analyses the nature of coordination between the various stakeholders during the design and implementation of a disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) process. It makes detailed reference to the contemporary DDR programme in South Sudan as this African country is a relevant example of significant international and local efforts to facilitate DDR coordination in a fragile and complex political and operational environment. The analyses showed that in South Sudan, coordination appeared to have been negatively affected by hierarchical, convoluted and inflexible organisational structures and arrangements. In addition, further contributing factors included: inadequate communication; uncertainty over roles and responsibilities; and unequal access to financial resources. Moreover it was apparent that these arrangements and dynamics fostered inter-organisational tensions and eroded trust between stakeholders. This ultimately resulted in fragmented and sub-standard DDR outcomes.



本文分析了在解除武装、复员和重返社会(DDR)进程的设计和实施过程中各利益攸关方之间协调的性质。它详细参考了南苏丹的当代复员方案,因为这个非洲国家是在脆弱和复杂的政治和行动环境中促进复员方案协调的重要国际和地方努力的相关例子。分析表明,在南苏丹,协调似乎受到等级、错综复杂和不灵活的组织结构和安排的负面影响。此外,进一步的促成因素包括:沟通不足;角色和责任的不确定性;以及获得财政资源的不平等。此外,很明显,这些安排和动态加剧了组织间的紧张关系并削弱了利益相关者之间的信任。这最终导致了碎片化和不合标准的 DDR 结果。