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A Digital Advance for Housing, Land and Property Restitution in War-Affected States: Leveraging Smart Migration
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development Pub Date : 2017-10-27 , DOI: 10.5334/sta.562
Jon Unruh , Emily Frank , Matthew Pritchard

The large-scale restitution of housing, land and property (HLP) for those dislocated due to armed conflict has significant repercussions for the prospect of return, recovery and durable peace. Failure to adequately engage in restitution and other remedies for displaced populations has demonstrated that the grievances generated usually do not abate, but instead grow, including over generations, to produce subsequent problems, including armed conflict. While advances in transitional justice have supported the development of mass claims processes for HLP in war-affected countries, the current magnitude and complexity of forced dislocation is beyond the ability of conventional techniques to manage in an effective and timely way. This article argues that the current approach for handling massive numbers of HLP claims in postwar scenarios needs a critical upgrade; and describes what such an upgrade could comprise with a set of advanced techniques. These techniques focus on the issues of time, the size and complexity of the problem, new spatial technologies, and the now much greater agency possessed by displaced populations made possible by mobile digital technologies.



为因武装冲突而流离失所的人大规模归还住房、土地和财产 (HLP),对返回、恢复和持久和平的前景产生重大影响。未能为流离失所者充分参与恢复原状和其他补救措施表明,所产生的不满通常不会减少,反而会增加,包括代代相传,从而产生后续问题,包括武装冲突。虽然过渡司法的进步支持了受战争影响国家 HLP 大规模索赔程序的发展,但当前强制脱臼的规模和复杂性超出了传统技术以有效和及时的方式进行管理的能力。本文认为,当前处理战后场景中大量 HLP 索赔的方法需要进行关键升级;并描述了此类升级可以包含哪些高级技术。这些技术侧重于时间问题、问题的规模和复杂性、新的空间技术以及移动数字技术使流离失所人口现在拥有的更大的能动性。