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Breaking his Spell: Rewriting the Mythic Female Body in Intan Paramaditha’s Apple and Knife
Southeast Asian Review of English Pub Date : 2020-07-27 , DOI: 10.22452/sare.vol57no1.7
Gema Charmaine Gonzales

Numerous are the patrilineal mythic narratives that institutionalize unidimensional representations of women, portraying female bodies either as repositories of submission and passivity or as cesspools of chaos and corruption. Through insidious reproduction, such myths cast a discursive spell that dispossesses women of their subjectivity and agency. To break this curse and regain their voice, feminist authors have undertaken the task of rewriting old myths in ways that speak to current local problematiques. Intan Paramaditha’s collection of stories, Apple and Knife (2018), is exemplary of this mission: in her speculative quill, fairy tales become reports of female body policing, vampires are symbolic of non-normative roles and a menstruation-eating monster is a counter-metaphor to misogynist scatological taboos. With a framework informed by feminist and postmodernist studies, this article explores the stylistic modes of corporeal writing in revisionist mythmaking. How are female bodies recast in revised myths in the interest of subverting standards of femininity? How does speculative fiction serve as an effective instrument in celebrating bodies symptomatically silenced in “original” texts? By fostering a dialogue between corporeal writing and revisionist speculative fiction, this paper examines how the female body may be reimagined outside what is deemed singular, natural, or authentic, both in terms of genre and gender.


打破魔咒:用Intan Paramaditha的苹果和刀子重写神话中的女性身体

父系神话般的叙事将女性的一维代表制度化,将女性的身体描绘成顺从和消极的仓库或混乱和腐败的产物。通过阴险的繁殖,这些神话投射出一种话语咒语,使妇女失去了她们的主观能动性。为了打破这种诅咒并重新表达自己的声音,女权主义者承担了以与当前当地问题有关的方式重写旧神话的任务。Intan Paramaditha的故事集《 Apple and Knife》(2018年)就是这一使命的典范:在她的投机性羽毛笔中,童话故事成为女性身体警务的报道,吸血鬼象征着非规范性角色,而吃月经的怪物则是反击。 -厌恶女性主义的禁忌的隐喻。借助女权主义和后现代主义研究的框架,本文探讨了修正主义神话创作中有形文字的风格模式。为了颠覆女性气质的标准,女性的身体如何重塑神话?投机小说如何作为一种有效的手段来庆祝在“原始”文本中症状消失的身体?通过促进有针对性的写作和修正主义的投机小说之间的对话,本文研究了在体裁和性别之外如何将女性身体重新构想成单数,自然或真实的事物。为了颠覆女性气质的标准,女性的身体如何重塑神话?投机小说如何作为一种有效的手段来庆祝在“原始”文本中症状消失的身体?通过促进有针对性的写作和修正主义的投机小说之间的对话,本文研究了在体裁和性别之外如何将女性身体重新构想成单数,自然或真实的事物。为了颠覆女性气质的标准,女性的身体如何重塑神话?投机小说如何作为一种有效的手段来庆祝在“原始”文本中症状消失的身体?通过促进有针对性的写作和修正主义的投机小说之间的对话,本文研究了在体裁和性别之外如何将女性身体重新构想成单数,自然或真实的事物。