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Deconstructing Western Hegemony and Voicing Silenced Histories in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome
Southeast Asian Review of English Pub Date : 2020-07-27 , DOI: 10.22452/sare.vol57no1.3
Md Abu Shahid Abdullah

Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome, a speculative novel which blends Western medical science with Eastern stories of ghosts, magic and immortality, criticizes the Eurocentric discourse of science and offers the possibilities of an alternative history from a subaltern perspective. By providing a logical and yet mystical order that privileges the marginalized, the novel casts doubt on the nature of knowledge. The aim of the article is to show that by substituting silenced protagonists (Eastern) and their ancient cultural practices for the ‘noble’ (Western) practices, and by providing agency to the subaltern by combining elements of myth, mysticism and the supernatural, Ghosh questions the superiority and nature of Western rationality. By providing an alternative life story of the scientist Roland Ross, where the subalterns Mangala and Laakhan have better knowledge of the malaria transmission process than Ross himself, Ghosh suggests the greater legitimacy of Eastern esotericism and mysticism over Western science. Thus, by allowing the story of the counter-science group to surface through the research of Murugan, Ghosh suggests the existence of a secretive historical records which have been removed from the official records of Western medical science. Finally, by contesting the idea that only Western science offers the ability to liberate humanity, Ghosh hints at the existence of alternative possibilities.


解构西方霸权并讲出阿米塔夫·戈什(Amitav Ghosh)的《加尔各答》染色体中的沉默历史

阿米塔夫·戈什(Amitav Ghosh)的小说《加尔各答》(The Calcutta Chromosome),将西方医学与东方关于鬼魂,魔力和永生的故事相融合的小说,对欧洲中心的科学话语提出了批评,并从次等角度提出了另类历史的可能性。通过提供一种使边缘人享有特权的逻辑而又神秘的秩序,这部小说使人们对知识的本质产生了怀疑。本文的目的是通过用沉默的主角(东方人)及其古老的文化习俗代替“高贵的”(西方)习俗,并通过结合神话,神秘主义和超自然的元素-戈什,为下属提供代理权,来表明这一点。质疑西方理性的优越性和本质。通过提供科学家罗兰·罗斯(Roland Ross)的另类生活故事,戈什(Ghosh)认为,芒格拉(Mangala)和拉克汉(Laakhan)等子公司比罗斯本人更了解疟疾传播的过程,他认为东方神秘主义和神秘主义比西方科学更具合法性。因此,通过对穆鲁根的研究使反科学团体的故事浮出水面,戈什提出了秘密历史记录的存在,这些历史记录已从西方医学科学的正式记录中删除。最后,通过质疑只有西方科学才具有解放人类的能力的思想,戈什暗示了存在另类可能性的可能性。通过对穆鲁根的研究使反科学小组的故事浮出水面,戈什暗示了秘密历史记录的存在,这些历史记录已从西方医学的正式记录中删除。最后,通过质疑只有西方科学才具有解放人类的能力的思想,戈什暗示了存在另类可能性的可能性。通过对穆鲁根的研究使反科学小组的故事浮出水面,戈什暗示存在秘密的历史记录,这些历史记录已从西方医学的正式记录中删除。最后,通过质疑只有西方科学才具有解放人类的能力的思想,戈什暗示了存在另类可能性的可能性。