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Embodying law in Diderot’s La Religieuse
Law and Humanities Pub Date : 2017-11-21 , DOI: 10.1080/17521483.2017.1397347
Adam Schoene 1

ABSTRACT Although Diderot never wrote an openly political treatise like those of his philosophe counterparts, his dramatic and fictional emphasis on bodily gesture serves to illuminate his legal conceptions, as I trace within the context of La Religieuse. Inspired by the historical case of Marguerite Delamarre, Diderot’s fictional Suzanne Simonin also endeavours to escape from the constrictions of the Church after being forced to become a nun. Suzanne struggles within the mute space of the convent to find a voice through the written word, captivating the emotional attention of the audience with her story, as if through a theatrical performance. I argue that her body instead incarnates the law, as she transforms the silence of the convent into a fermentative political space, sparking our reactions against despotism through her inscription of injustice. Diderot’s account becomes an embodied performance exceeding words, demonstrating the powerful potential for Suzanne’s story to reverberate beyond the walls of the convent and into the law itself.



摘要尽管狄德罗特从未像他的哲学同行们那样写过公开的政治论文,但正如我在《宗教史》中所描写的那样,他对身体姿态的戏剧性和虚构性强调有助于阐明他的法律观念。在玛格丽特·德拉玛勒(Marguerite Delamarre)的历史案例的启发下,狄德罗(Diderot)的虚构人物苏珊·西蒙宁(Suzanne Simonin)在被迫成为修女之后,还努力摆脱教会的束缚。苏珊(Suzanne)在修道院的寂静空间中苦苦挣扎,无法通过书面文字找到自己的声音,她的故事吸引了观众的情感注意力,就好像通过戏剧表演一样。我认为她的身体体现了法律,因为她将修道院的沉默变成了发酵的政治空间,通过她的不公正题词激发了我们对专制的反应。狄德罗(Diderot)的演说变成了无以言表的体现,展现了苏珊(Suzanne)的故事在修道院墙外回荡到法律本身的强大潜力。