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Learn, Prepare, Act: “Throwing Shade” on Climate Change
Journal of Museum Education Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10598650.2020.1711496
Jeremy S. Hoffman

ABSTRACT Science and technology centers continue to emerge as hubs for building climate change and resiliency literacy in communities around the United States. What’s less clear, however, is how these institutions foster and sustain climate action based on this acquired literacy. The Science Museum of Virginia developed, delivered, and evaluated climate science and resiliency-themed programming over a three year period, connecting with audiences from “K to grey.” Hyper-localization of climate change, accomplished by leading a small-scale community-based participatory research campaign (also known as “citizen science”) to assess the City of Richmond’s urban heat island effect, improved audience literacy and recall of adaptation and resilience solutions. When further nested within curriculum aligned with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Steps to Resilience Framework, hyper-localization produced additional learning and behavioral outcomes that bridged the gap from literacy to action. We posit that our model can inspire similar adaptation and resilience action-oriented programs in urban areas around the country.



摘要 科学和技术中心继续成为美国各地社区建设气候变化和复原力知识的中心。然而,不太清楚的是,这些机构如何根据获得的知识来促进和维持气候行动。弗吉尼亚科学博物馆在三年的时间里开发、交付和评估了以气候科学和弹性为主题的节目,与从“K 到灰色”的观众建立联系。气候变化的超本地化,通过领导一个以社区为基础的小规模参与式研究活动(也称为“公民科学”)来完成,以评估列治文市的城市热岛效应、提高受众素养以及对适应和恢复解决方案的回忆. 当进一步嵌入与国家海洋和大气管理局的复原力框架步骤一致的课程中时,超本地化产生了额外的学习和行为结果,弥合了从识字到行动的差距。我们假设我们的模型可以激发全国城市地区类似的适应和复原力行动导向计划。