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Nature as a Legal Person: Proxy Constellations in Law
Law & Literature Pub Date : 2020-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/1535685x.2020.1763596
Andreas Fischer-Lescano

Abstract Thirty years after the Hamburg seals case, autonomous rights for nature are no longer a merely utopian idea, but a social reality— and, in view of urgent ecological questions, a necessity. By expanding the stakeholder status in politics and law, ecosystems and animals are being empowered de lege lata to enforce their rights as non-human legal persons in the courts. I will first trace current trends in the juridical personification of non-human persons. I will then explore the potential for opening the concept of legal personhood to non-human legal persons from a theoretical perspective—considering the limitations of this approach as well. Finally, I will sketch out the current framework for legal action brought by non-human persons in German, European, and international law.



摘要 在汉堡海豹案发生 30 年后,自然自治权不再仅仅是一个乌托邦的想法,而是一个社会现实——而且,鉴于紧迫的生态问题,这是一种必要。通过扩大利益相关者在政治和法律中的地位,生态系统和动物被授权在法庭上行使非人类法人的权利。我将首先追溯非人类法律拟人化的当前趋势。然后,我将探讨从理论角度向非人类法人开放法人概念的潜力——同时考虑这种方法的局限性。最后,我将勾勒出德国、欧洲和国际法中由非人类提起的法律诉讼的当前框架。