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Live Matter and Living Images: Towards a Theory of Animation in Material Media
Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00233609.2017.1347198
Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen 1

Summary Confronting the unfruitful and insufficient notion of matter as “dead”, inert, and immobile is a growing acknowledgement that medieval materiality was empowered and enlivened by animation. This was not least the case in tangible images moved or mobilized by their inherent anima. Imbued with agency, power, personhood, spirit, life, and corporeality, pictures and sculptures would set themselves in motion and do things to us, act upon us, respond to our physical presence with material manifestations of life in the image. This article discusses animation as a (if not the) fundamental way of encountering medieval imagery and proposes a general model or taxonomy of animation, which comprises the basic modes or operative principles of magical animation, mechanical animation, and phenomenological animation. The “call of the image” could be invoked by cult and animism (magically), be enacted by performance and manipulation (mechanically), or be experienced by the viewer’s own investment in the image (phenomenologically).


