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Pain as Resistance: Carnal Suffering and Political Protest in Honoré Daumier’s L'imagination Series
Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History Pub Date : 2018-02-15 , DOI: 10.1080/00233609.2018.1435562
Gal Ventura 1

The Colic (La Colique) and The Headache (Le mal de tête), two lithographs based on drawings by Honoré Daumier, produced as part of the series L’Imagination, were executed by the artist in 1832, during the final weeks of his incarceration at Dr Pinel’s mental hospital, where he was sent as a penalty for the publication of the caricature Gargantua. This article addresses the singularity of both lithographs in relation to the other prints in the series, claiming that Daumier embedded socio-political elements in them, imbuing the visual representations of physical pain with a social commentary on Louis Philippe’s pro-bourgeois regime. Based on the identification of the man suffering the stomach ache as Philipon, the article argues that The Colic and The Headache are, in fact, symbolic portraits of the publisher and the painter during their joint incarceration. Alluding to the pretext for which they were transferred to Pinel’s institution, on the basis of medical declarations of the prisoners’ health problems, the article argues that Daumier integrated these veiled portraits into L’Imagination in order to convey his criticism of the political causes of their incarceration. Through a rigorous analysis of the two lithographs in the context of contemporary French medical literature, as well as in comparison to the British and Spanish prints that inspired them, the article argues that, due to the lack of a visual depiction of the causes of the illness or of its treatment, they constitute socio-psychological symptoms that reflect visual resistance in a period of censorship and suppression.



康立(La Colique)和头疼(Le mal detête),这是两幅以HonoréDaumier的绘画为基础的石版画,作为L'Imagination系列的一部分而制成,于1832年在监禁的最后几周被艺术家执行。在Pinel博士的精神病医院就医,他因漫画《 Gargantua》的出版被判刑。本文论述了这两个石版画相对于系列中其他印刷品的奇异之处,声称道米耶尔在其中嵌入了社会政治元素,在视觉上表达了身体上的痛苦,并对路易·菲利普的资产阶级政权进行了社会评论。根据对患有胃痛的男人的识别为Philipon,文章认为,《绞痛》和《头痛》实际上是 出版商和画家在联合监禁期间的象征肖像。文章提到他们被转送皮涅尔监狱的借口,是根据有关囚犯健康问题的医学声明作出的,文章认为,多米尔将这些蒙面的肖像整合到《想像》中,以表达他对政治原因的批评。他们的监禁。通过在当代法国医学文献的背景下对这两个石版画进行严格分析,并与激发它们的英国和西班牙版画进行比较,文章认为,由于缺乏对造成这种现象的视觉描述疾病或疾病的治疗方法,它们构成了社会心理症状,反映了在审查和压制时期的视觉抵抗力。文章提到他们被转送皮涅尔监狱的借口,是根据有关囚犯健康问题的医学声明作出的,文章认为,多米尔将这些蒙面的肖像整合到《想像》中,以表达他对政治原因的批评。他们的监禁。通过在当代法国医学文献的背景下对这两个石版画进行严格分析,并与激发它们的英国和西班牙版画进行比较,文章认为,由于缺乏对造成这种现象的视觉描述疾病或疾病的治疗方法,它们构成了社会心理症状,反映了在审查和压制时期的视觉抵抗力。文章提到他们被转送皮涅尔监狱的借口,是根据有关囚犯健康问题的医学声明作出的,文章认为,多米尔将这些蒙面的肖像整合到《想像》中,以表达他对政治原因的批评。他们的监禁。通过在当代法国医学文献的背景下对这两个石版画进行严格分析,并与激发它们的英国和西班牙版画进行比较,文章认为,由于缺乏对造成这种现象的视觉描述疾病或疾病的治疗方法,它们构成了社会心理症状,反映了在审查和压制时期的视觉抵抗力。根据有关囚犯健康问题的医学声明,文章认为,多米尔将这些被遮盖的肖像整合到《想象》中,以表达他对被囚禁的政治原因的批评。通过在当代法国医学文献的背景下对这两个石版画进行严格分析,并与激发它们的英国和西班牙版画进行比较,文章认为,由于缺乏对造成这种现象的视觉描述疾病或疾病的治疗方法,它们构成了社会心理症状,反映了在审查和压制时期的视觉抵抗力。根据有关囚犯健康问题的医学声明,文章认为,多米尔将这些被遮盖的肖像整合到《想象》中,以表达他对被囚禁的政治原因的批评。通过在当代法国医学文献的背景下对这两个石版画进行严格分析,并与激发它们的英国和西班牙版画进行比较,文章认为,由于缺乏对造成这种现象的视觉描述疾病或疾病的治疗方法,它们构成了社会心理症状,反映了在审查和压制时期的视觉抵抗力。