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Armas de guerra ou de caça? Funcionalidade e proveniência das pontas de seta do Zambujal (Torres Vedras, Portugal)
Journal of Lithic Studies Pub Date : 2017-11-11 , DOI: 10.2218/jls.v4i3.1760
Patrícia Poeira Jordão

This contribution is part of a larger work developed since 2014 on Zambujal’s flaked stone mainly focusing on siliceous resources’ petrographic characterization, strategies of management and procurement. The enclosure of Zambujal distinguishes itself, in the Portuguese Estremadura, by the larger number of flint artefacts recovered within a chronological context. As well, the Sizandro’s valley was recently studied through a geoarchaeological approach - Holocene floodplain evolution of the Sizandro valley (Portugal) - in which it was proposed a calcolithic territory model. So the enclosure of Zambujal is privileged for being a case study. Although if compared to other Chalcolithic settlements, have a high number of arrowheads (1037) stands out in absolute contrast, as in proportion with the remained lithic tools available. This particular issue, moreover connected to the fact of having been removed inside the barbican of the hillfort (between first and second lines of defence), is a very important element that suggests the possibility of armed conflicts among these populations over Chalcolithic (3rd millennium BCE). The present paper proposes to test the hypothesis of the evidences of war in Chalcolithic, based on functional and petrographic analysis of Zambujal´s arrowheads. So, on one hand, we proceed to a techno-typological classification with the particular purpose of gathering materials from all Zambujal’s archaeological campaigns (1964-2012). Than we applying to every measurable arrowhead a drilling index (Ipn) to find the “stopping power”, that reflects a level of damage. The methodology employed for the petrographic analysis was a classical compositional and textural, and we also established flint types according to its genesis (genetic type) and provision sites (gytologic type), through a dynamic perspective of an ‘evolutive chain’. A Motic SMZ-140 binocular magnifying glass was used in the mesoscopic observation, with an 80x augmentation and, whenever needed, particular images were taken with an Olympus E-620 camera, providing thus a maximal visual augmentation of up to 40x. This paper presents the results obtained for the different types of analysis – techno-typological and petrographic - trying to find the arrowheads functionality. As well, by comparing the arrowheads typologies associated with the drilling rate index (DRI) from Portuguese Estremadura’s settlements we obtained the capability of answer the question of functionality – war or hunting weapons? In the petrographic analysis we tried to recognize the "history" of the flint, however, due to the natural absence of the cortical part in these artefacts, was privileged the genetic characterization of the lithologies. From the above, it is suggested that the main source of the siliceous materials used to produce arrowheads has been the closest, easiest and most abundant source. But at this point the study needs a more detailed characterization of the regional source areas with some textural affinities with these archaeological samples. For now, we use these results of raw materials’ provenance to beginning to identify the supplying strategies and the early stages of operative chains of these artefacts. The extension of the petroarchaeologic study to all the operative chains of the Zambujal’s arrowheads is a key for the understanding of the techniques in their manufacture and therefore the type of circulating materials - raw materials or final products? In conclusion, with these new data we can also begin to recognize the existence of complex goods’ circulation networks in the Chalcolithic, which probably includes regional and inter-regional strategies control reflecting the stability or instability’s relationships of among prehistoric communities.


阿玛斯·德·瓜拉·欧·德·卡萨?赞布贾尔的Setc do da de pontas de Funaionalidade(葡萄牙Torres Vedras)

此贡献是自2014年以来针对Zambujal片状石材开发的一项更大工作的一部分,该工作主要侧重于硅质资源的岩相表征,管理和采购策略。在葡萄牙的埃斯特雷马杜拉(Estremadura),赞布加尔的包围区与众不同之处在于,按时间顺序收集的火石制品数量较多。同样,最近通过一种地质考古方法对西赞德罗的山谷进行了研究-西赞德罗山谷(葡萄牙)的全新世洪泛区演化-在其中提出了一个石器时代的领土模型。因此,Zambujal的外壳因案例研究而享有特权。尽管与其他石器时代的聚居地相比,具有大量箭头(1037)与绝对可用的石器工具成比例,但在绝对的对比中脱颖而出。这个特别的问题 此外,这与在山顶堡垒的外堡之内(在第一道和第二道防线之间)被拆除的事实有关,是一个非常重要的因素,表明这些居民可能在石器时代(公元前三千年)发生武装冲突。本文建议根据扎姆布贾尔箭头的功能和岩石学分析来检验石器时代战争证据的假设。因此,一方面,我们进行技术类型分类,其特定目的是从所有赞布贾尔的考古活动(1964-2012年)中收集资料。比我们向每个可测量的箭头应用钻削索引(Ipn)来找到反映破坏程度的“止动力”。岩相分析所采用的方法是经典的成分和纹理,我们还通过“进化链”的动态视角,根据火石的成因(遗传类型)和供应地(遗传类型)建立了火石类型。在介观观察中使用了Motic SMZ-140双目放大镜,放大了80倍,并在需要时使用Olympus E-620相机拍摄了特定图像,因此最大视觉放大了40倍。本文介绍了为尝试查找箭头功能而在不同类型的分析(技术类型学和岩石学)中获得的结果。还有 通过比较与葡萄牙埃斯特雷马杜拉定居点的钻井速率指数(DRI)相关的箭头类型,我们获得了回答功能性问题的能力–战争还是狩猎武器?在岩相学分析中,我们试图识别出the石的“历史”,但是由于这些人工制品中皮质部分的天然缺失,因此获得了岩性的遗传特征。从上面可以看出,用于生产箭头的硅质材料的主要来源是最接近,最容易和最丰富的来源。但是,在这一点上,研究需要对这些考古样本具有某种质地亲和力的区域源区域进行更详细的表征。目前,我们使用原材料出处的这些结果来确定这些手工艺品的供应策略和操作链的早期阶段。将岩石考古学研究扩展到扎姆布贾尔箭头的所有操作链上,对于理解其制造技术以及因此了解流通材料的类型(原材料还是最终产品)至关重要。总之,利用这些新数据,我们还可以开始认识到石器时代复杂商品的流通网络的存在,其中可能包括反映史前社区之间稳定或不稳定关系的区域和区域间策略控制。将岩石考古学研究扩展到扎姆布贾尔箭头的所有操作链上,对于理解其制造技术以及因此了解流通材料的类型(原材料还是最终产品)至关重要。总之,利用这些新数据,我们还可以开始认识到石器时代复杂商品的流通网络的存在,其中可能包括反映史前社区之间稳定或不稳定关系的区域和区域间策略控制。将岩石考古学研究扩展到扎姆布贾尔箭头的所有操作链上,对于理解其制造技术以及因此了解流通材料的类型(原材料还是最终产品)至关重要。总之,利用这些新数据,我们还可以开始认识到石器时代复杂商品的流通网络的存在,其中可能包括反映史前社区之间稳定或不稳定关系的区域和区域间策略控制。