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Searching for the Scottish Late Upper Palaeolithic: A case study from Nethermills Farm, Aberdeenshire
Journal of Lithic Studies Pub Date : 2017-03-15 , DOI: 10.2218/jls.v4i1.1907
Torben Bjarke Ballin , Caroline Wickham-Jones

In connection with the recent examination, cataloguing and discussion of approximately 30,000 mainly Mesolithic lithic artefacts from Nethermills Farm at Banchory in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, excavated by the late James Kenworthy in the late 1970s and early 1980s, a small number of finds were identified as almost certainly whole or fragmented Late Upper Palaeolithic lithic artefacts, and others as pieces likely to date to this period. The Nethermills flint objects add to a growing list of Late Upper Palaeolithic sites and implements identified across Scotland, including tanged and other points, scrapers, and truncated pieces from Howburn in South Lanarkshire and Kilmelfort Cave on the Scottish west-coast, as well as tanged and other points from the Western and Northern Isles, with eastern Scotland so far having yielded none. On the basis of this case study, the authors suggest an approach for the continued search for Late-Glacial settlers in Scotland in general, as well as for further investigation of the large Nethermills Farm assemblage. The proposed approach suggests that we focus not only on diagnostic tool forms (in particular, tanged and backed points), which have been the focus of Scottish Late Upper Palaeolithic research thus far, but also include other chronologically significant elements, such as diagnostic technological attributes and full operational schemas.



关于最近对苏格兰阿伯丁郡Banchory的Nethermills农场的约30,000件主要是中石器时代的石器文物的检查,分类和讨论,由已故的James Kenworthy在1970年代末和1980年代初期发掘,发现了少量发现当然是上古旧石器时代晚期的完整或零碎的器物,以及其他可能在这一时期至今的碎片。耐特米尔斯打火石的对象增加了在苏格兰各地发现的越来越晚的上古旧石器时代遗址和工具的清单,包括缠结的和其他点,刮刀和来自南拉纳克郡的Howburn以及苏格兰西海岸的Kilmelfort Cave的截断件,以及缠结的以及来自西部和北部小岛的其他地点,到目前为止,苏格兰东部没有任何收获。在此案例研究的基础上,作者提出了一种方法,可以继续在苏格兰继续寻找晚冰川定居者,并进一步调查大型的Nethermills Farm农场。拟议的方法表明,我们不仅关注诊断工具形式(尤其是缠结点和支持点),到目前为止,这些工具形式一直是苏格兰晚期旧石器时代研究的重点,而且还包括其他按时间顺序排列的重要元素,例如诊断技术属性和完整的操作模式。