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Millennials’ Reading Behavior in the Digital Age: A Case Study of Pakistani University Students
Journal of Library Administration Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2020.1760563
Saira Hanif Soroya 1 , Kanwal Ameen 2

Abstract This article uncovers the reading trends of Millennials living in Pakistan by investigating their reading behavior within the digital paradigm. A cross-sectional survey-based quantitative research design was adopted. Masters students (16 years education) from the Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognized universities of Lahore, Pakistan was the study population. A total of 515 masters’ level students from 7 universities participated in the survey. The participants were recruited by employing a two-stage stratified purposive total population sampling technique. The study findings confirmed that despite their preferences for print material, Millennials were using electronic material for reading more frequently. However, the study showed that the reading purpose influences the choice of the reading format. Furthermore, the availability of electronic reading content in the public domain and open access contents may be a reason for increased use of e-content, as free websites were the preferred method of millennials for obtaining reading material. Social networking websites and intelligent search engines like “Google” were also in use and play a role in finding the relevant information and reading e-content. The study shows that the digital environment has a significant impact on the reading behavior of individuals, a fact which needs to be considered by academics, practitioners, and the individuals themselves. It is considered a baseline study that opens various potential directions and avenues for future research.



摘要 本文通过调查数字范式中的阅读行为,揭示了居住在巴基斯坦的千禧一代的阅读趋势。采用了基于横断面调查的定量研究设计。来自高等教育委员会 (HEC) 认可的巴基斯坦拉合尔大学的硕士生(16 年教育)是研究人群。共有来自7所高校的515名硕士研究生参加了此次调查。通过采用两阶段分层有目的的总人口抽样技术招募参与者。研究结果证实,尽管千禧一代更喜欢印刷材料,但他们更频繁地使用电子材料进行阅读。然而,研究表明,阅读目的会影响阅读形式的选择。此外,公共领域电子阅读内容和开放获取内容的可用性可能是增加电子内容使用的一个原因,因为免费网站是千禧一代获取阅读材料的首选方法。社交网站和“谷歌”等智能搜索引擎也在使用,并在查找相关信息和阅读电子内容方面发挥作用。研究表明,数字环境对个人的阅读行为有显着影响,这是学术界、从业者和个人自身都需要考虑的事实。它被认为是一项基线研究,为未来的研究开辟了各种潜在的方向和途径。因为免费网站是千禧一代获取阅读材料的首选方式。社交网站和“谷歌”等智能搜索引擎也在使用,并在查找相关信息和阅读电子内容方面发挥作用。研究表明,数字环境对个人的阅读行为有显着影响,这是学术界、从业者和个人自身都需要考虑的事实。它被认为是一项基线研究,为未来的研究开辟了各种潜在的方向和途径。因为免费网站是千禧一代获取阅读材料的首选方式。社交网站和“谷歌”等智能搜索引擎也在使用,并在查找相关信息和阅读电子内容方面发挥作用。研究表明,数字环境对个人的阅读行为有显着影响,这是学术界、从业者和个人自身都需要考虑的事实。它被认为是一项基线研究,为未来的研究开辟了各种潜在的方向和途径。研究表明,数字环境对个人的阅读行为有显着影响,这是学术界、从业者和个人自身都需要考虑的事实。它被认为是一项基线研究,为未来的研究开辟了各种潜在的方向和途径。研究表明,数字环境对个人的阅读行为有显着影响,这是学术界、从业者和个人自身都需要考虑的事实。它被认为是一项基线研究,为未来的研究开辟了各种潜在的方向和途径。