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Intertwined Traumas: Narrative and Testimony in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Pub Date : 2019-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/20512856.2019.1679449
Ahmed Ben Amara 1

ABSTRACT That Heart of Darkness continues to generate multiple critical responses owes to a large extent to the text's endemic ambivalence. Conrad's tendency to remain inconclusive, what Harold Bloom calls his ‘unique propensity for ambiguity'1, has received a great deal of critical attention, and its ideological and moral foundations have been thoroughly analysed. However, the possibility that the text's indeterminacies may have their origins in the psychological conflicts of its central narrator has not been sufficiently addressed. This paper draws upon Cathy Caruth's pioneering work on trauma and testimony, to argue that the fragmentation in Marlow's narrative is the result of a psychological crisis that is caused not by direct exposure to violence, but by witnessing someone else's trauma. Having come into contact with Kurtz's disturbing story, Marlow steps in the position of the confused listener, and his story becomes the fragmentary account of a traumatised subject. By shifting attention from the shocking events of the novella to the narrator's predicament as he attempts to bear witness to Kurtz's trauma, one would begin to address another enigmatic aspect of the trauma in the text – how the encounter with someone’s psychic wound can lead to the traumatisation of the witness.



摘要“黑暗之心”在很大程度上由于文本的地方性矛盾而继续产生多种批判性反应。康拉德保持不确定性的趋势(哈罗德·布鲁姆(Harold Bloom)称之为“歧义的独特倾向”)1受到了很多批评的关注,并且对其思想和道德基础进行了全面分析。但是,文本不确定性可能源于其中央叙述者的心理冲突的可能性尚未得到充分解决。本文借鉴了凯茜·卡特斯(Cathy Caruth)在创伤和证词方面的开创性工作,认为马洛的叙述中的分裂是心理危机的结果,这种心理危机的原因不是直接暴露于暴力,而是目睹了他人的创伤。接触了库尔兹令人不安的故事后,马洛开始站在困惑的听众身上,他的故事成为受创伤对象的零星叙述。通过将注意力从中篇小说的令人震惊的事件转移到叙述者在试图见证库尔兹的创伤时所面临的困境,人们将开始着手解决案文中创伤的另一个神秘的方面–与某人的精神创伤相遇会如何导致创伤。证人遭受创伤。