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Transgender youth and oral health: a qualitative study
Journal of LGBT Youth Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1080/19361653.2020.1798839
David W. Macdonald 1 , Daniel H. Grossoehme 2, 3 , Amanda Mazzola 3 , Teresa Pestian 3 , Scott B. Schwartz 1, 2


Transgender youth face several comorbidities with oral health implications, including depression, harmful eating behaviors, and pharmaceutical side-effects. No information exists on how transgender youth view oral health or how they interface with oral health providers. The purpose of this study was to elicit experiences, knowledge, and perceptions of oral health among transgender youth and their caregivers. This was a qualitative study using in-person and telephone interviews with English-speaking transgender youth (12–24 years old), with and without their caregivers. Interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide and transcribed verbatim. Statements from interviews were coded by theme. Recruitment ended when thematic saturation was reached, determined by investigators. 16 patients and 16 caregivers completed interviews. Overall, participants indicated no connection between transitioning and oral health. Many reported abandoning self-care, including oral health practices. Patients and caregivers alike did not prioritize disclosing transition-related information with oral health providers, despite uncertainty on the effects of related treatments on the oral cavity. At a time when transitioning youth may be in contact with health care providers more frequently and may be more inclined to share transition related details with them, the healthcare provider is uniquely positioned to encourage improved oral health emphasis and outcomes.




跨性别青年面临着多种影响口腔健康的并发症,包括抑郁症、有害的饮食行为和药物副作用。没有关于跨性别青年如何看待口腔健康或他们如何与口腔健康提供者互动的信息。本研究的目的是在跨性别青年及其照顾者中获取有关口腔健康的经验、知识和看法。这是一项定性研究,对有或没有照顾者的说英语的跨性别青年(12-24 岁)进行面对面和电话采访。访谈是使用半结构化访谈指南进行的,并逐字转录。采访中的陈述按主题编码。当调查人员确定达到主题饱和时,招募结束。16 名患者和 16 名护理人员完成了访谈。总体而言,参与者表示过渡和口腔健康之间没有联系。许多人报告说放弃了自我保健,包括口腔保健习惯。尽管相关治疗对口腔的影响存在不确定性,但患者和护理人员都没有优先向口腔健康提供者披露与过渡相关的信息。在转型青年可能更频繁地与医疗保健提供者接触并可能更倾向于与他们分享转型相关细节的时候,医疗保健提供者处于独特的地位,可以鼓励改善口腔健康重点和结果。尽管相关治疗对口腔的影响存在不确定性,但患者和护理人员都没有优先向口腔健康提供者披露与过渡相关的信息。在转型青年可能更频繁地与医疗保健提供者接触并可能更倾向于与他们分享转型相关细节的时候,医疗保健提供者处于独特的地位,可以鼓励改善口腔健康重点和结果。尽管相关治疗对口腔的影响存在不确定性,但患者和护理人员都没有优先向口腔健康提供者披露与过渡相关的信息。在转型青年可能更频繁地与医疗保健提供者接触并可能更倾向于与他们分享转型相关细节的时候,医疗保健提供者处于独特的地位,可以鼓励改善口腔健康重点和结果。
