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A Critical Eye on a Prize: Unpacking the Meaning of “Applied Jewish Wisdom”
Journal of Jewish Education Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15244113.2019.1689729
Bethamie Horowitz

ABSTRACT The analysis examines the genesis of the Lippman-Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah’s Prize in Applied Jewish Wisdom (AJW) that was first awarded in 2016. The foundation invented both the phrase AJW and the prize to highlight the qualities of Jewish content being employed by promising educators and activists in the “Jewish innovation ecosystem.” This paper traces the emergence of the term in the writing of the foundation, and then delves in the sorting process undertaken by the foundation to determine the prize winners. AJW functions as a “boundary object.” The Prize is a means of constituting AJW. The development of AJW positions the foundation to be able to claim “philanthropic authority” regarding a domain it wants to cultivate and champion. It is a way for LKFLT to assert its voice in the Jewish innovation sector and articulate a new rationale beyond simply funding innovation for its own sake.



摘要 该分析考察了 2016 年首次颁发的 Lippman-Kanfer 生活托拉基金会应用犹太智慧奖 (AJW) 的起源。该基金会发明了短语 AJW 和奖项,以突出所采用的犹太内容的品质“犹太创新生态系统”中有前途的教育家和活动家。本文追溯了该词在基金会写作中的出现,进而深入探讨了基金会为确定获奖者而进行的排序过程。AJW 充当“边界对象”。该奖项是构成 AJW 的一种手段。AJW 的发展奠定了基础,使其能够就其想要培育和拥护的领域宣称“慈善权威”。