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Writing for Journal Publications: A Case Study of Eight Computer Scientists in Algeria
Arab World English Journal Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.24093/awej/call6.7
Anissa Cheriguene , Kebbache Tayeb , Chaker Abdelaziz Kerrache

Journal publications written in English are a sina qua non condition for national and international recognition. Recent literature in applied linguistics and other fields has denounced the existence of some conventions and “rules” that govern a given research writing. That is, using a concise, clear and error-free language is demanded in order to increase accessibility and ease of understanding. With the aid of textual descriptive analysis, this paper attempts to review the most common linguistic reasons behind papers’ rejection. Eight papers of Ph.D. computer science students were collected and analyzed qualitatively in order to diagnose the main problems and challenges Ph.D. students face while writing for scholarly publication. Other than other linguistic lacunes, it is found out that the authors had problems mainly with using the right tone, choosing the correct words and the adequate tense use. Indeed, the results of this study are supposed to be of some use to writers who want to know what writing conventions, if there are any, are adequate for paper publication. Finally, some recommendations related to students’ problems in writing for scholarly publication are made.



以英文撰写的期刊出版物是获得国家和国际认可的必要条件。应用语言学和其他领域的最新文献谴责存在一些支配特定研究写作的惯例和“规则”。也就是说,需要使用简洁、清晰和无错误的语言,以增加可访问性和易于理解性。借助文本描述分析,本文试图回顾论文被拒绝背后最常见的语言原因。博士论文八篇 收集计算机科学专业的学生并进行定性分析,以诊断主要问题和挑战。学生在为学术出版物写作时面临。除了其他语言上的漏洞之外,作者发现主要是在使用正确的语气方面存在问题,选择正确的词和适当的时态使用。事实上,这项研究的结果应该对想知道什么样的写作习惯(如果有的话)适合发表论文的作家有一定的用处。最后,针对学生在学术出版方面的写作问题提出了一些建议。