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Fiscal council: European model or new global standard?
Journal of International Studies Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2019/12-4/3
András Bethlendi , Csaba Lentner , László Vasa , András Póra

The great recession of 2008 caused fiscal crises in several countries. This phenomenon highlighted the relevance of the problem of fiscal alcoholism and excessive sovereign debt. Nowadays rules-based fiscal policies have become more and more widespread to limit indebtedness. This article explores one of the most important elements of rules-based systems: the fiscal council. The key question imposed was: is it mostly a European phenomenon, or rather a global standard? As a method, we employed descriptive statistics, then a hierarchical cluster analysis, based on the data of the IMF Fiscal Council Dataset. In conclusion, two separated groups were formed: an EU and a non-EU cluster with some outliers, thus our working hypothesis was underpinned. Our results have thus contributed to the literature and advanced the case that in the last ten years the increased number of fiscal councils can be attributed to international (European) Received: May, 2019 1st Revision: August, 2019 Accepted: November, 2019 DOI: 10.14254/20718330.2019/12-4/3 Journal of International Studies S ci en ti fi c P a pe rs © Foundation of International Studies, 2019 © CSR, 2019 András Bethlendi, Csaba Lentner, László Vasa, András Póra Fiscal council: European model or new global standard? 33 regulations or internal political issues rather than actual enhancements of fiscal prudence.



2008年的大萧条在几个国家引发了财政危机。这种现象突出表明了财政酒精中毒和过多的主权债务问题的相关性。如今,基于规则的财政政策已变得越来越普遍,以限制债务。本文探讨了基于规则的系统最重要的元素之一:财政委员会。提出的关键问题是:这主要是欧洲现象,还是全球标准?作为一种方法,我们根据IMF财政理事会数据集的数据采用了描述性统计数据,然后进行了层次聚类分析。总之,形成了两个单独的组:一个欧盟和一个非欧盟集群,其中包含一些异常值,因此我们的工作假设得到了支持。因此,我们的结果为文献做出了贡献,并提出了这样一个案例:在过去十年中,可以将国际金融理事会的数量增加归因于国际(欧洲)收到:2019年5月第一次修订:2019年8月接受:2019年11月DOI: 10.14254 / 20718330.2019 / 12-4 / 3国际研究杂志社科©国际研究基金会,2019©CSR,2019AndrásBethlendi,Csaba Lentner,LászlóVasa,AndrásPóra财政委员会:欧洲模式还是新的全球标准?33条法规或内部政治问题,而不是实际提高财政审慎性。2019 / 12-4 / 3国际研究杂志社科©国际研究基金会,2019©CSR,2019©AndrásBethlendi,Csaba Lentner,LászlóVasa,AndrásPóra财政理事会:欧洲模型或新模型全球标准?33条法规或内部政治问题,而不是实际提高财政审慎性。2019 / 12-4 / 3国际研究杂志社科©国际研究基金会,2019©CSR,2019©AndrásBethlendi,Csaba Lentner,LászlóVasa,AndrásPóra财政理事会:欧洲模型或新模型全球标准?33条法规或内部政治问题,而不是实际提高财政审慎性。