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Bricolage and Social Entrepreneurship to Address Emergent Social Needs: A “Deconstructionist” Perspective
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.7341/20181422
Lamberto Zollo , Riccardo Rialti , Cristiano Ciappei , Andrea Boccardi

Social entrepreneurship is one of the most discussed issues in recent management literature. In partcular, social entrepreneurship has recently gained the atenton of management scholars interested in understanding its sociological and anthropological aspects. This paper focuses on Claude Levi-Strauss’s noton of “bricolage” and the way it can represent a signifcant opportunity to address emergent social needs. Building on a postmodernist philosophical perspectve, namely Jacques Derrida’s “deconstructonism,” we atempt to unpack the bricolage phenomenon within the social entrepreneurship feld. Following the fndings of an in-depth longitudinal case study, we provide a theoretcal conceptualizaton of possible entrepreneurial solutons to social needs, exploring the signifcant role of bricolage that is consequently interpreted as a suitable entrepreneurial opportunity to address partcular types of social needs that we shall defne, in a way, as emergent.



社会企业家精神是最近管理文学中讨论最多的问题之一。特别是,社会企业家精神最近引起了管理学者的关注,这些学者对了解其社会学和人类学方面感兴趣。本文重点介绍克劳德·列维·斯特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss)的“讽刺”概念,以及它可以代表解决新兴社会需求的重要机会的方式。基于后现代主义的哲学视野,即雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida)的“解构主义”,我们无视社会企业家精神中的贿赂现象。根据深入的纵向案例研究发现,我们提供了可能的企业家解决方案来满足社会需求的理论上的概念化,