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Jan Švankmajer’s Kunstkammer: Every thing means everything
Journal of Education Culture and Society Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.15503/jecs2020.2.343.352
Anna Maria Brzezińska

Thesis. Jan Svankmajer’s Kunstkammer is a project with a complex constellation of meaning that defies clear-cut categorization in the context of Pomian’s theory of semiophores. Discussed concepts. The paper describes the kunstkammer art project created by Jan Svankmajer, a Czech surrealist, in the context of Pomian’s theory of semiophores and compares it to traditional and historical equivalents, using the concepts of micro- and macrocosm, the world as a stage (Theatrum Mundi), hermeticism, and alchemy. Results and conclusion. Jana Svankmajer’s Kunstkammer should be analyzed primarily in the individual and subjective context, rather than in the social one. Originality/cognitive value of the approach. Pomian has described many examples of traditional kunstkammers, but there are also several modern collections that have not yet been described in the literature.



论文。扬·斯万卡默(Jan Svankmajer)的艺术学院(Kunstkammer)是一个意义复杂的项目,在波米安(Pomian)的符号学家理论的背景下,没有明确的分类。讨论的概念。本文描述了捷克超现实主义者Jan Svankmajer在Pomian的符号理论的背景下创建的艺术项目,并使用微观和宏观的概念将世界作为一个舞台,将其与传统和历史等价物进行了比较(Theatrum Mundi ),气密性和炼金术。结果和结论。Jana Svankmajer的《 Kunstkammer》应该主要在个人和主观的背景下进行分析,而不是在社会背景下进行分析。方法的独创性/认知价值。Pomian描述了许多传统昆士兰人的例子,