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University-organised summer schools as cases of hybrid education
Journal of Education Culture and Society Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.15503/jecs2020.2.211.223

Aim. The aim of is article is to discuss how summer schools can be approached as instances of hybrid education and how this can help to address the complex needs of their participants living in a culturally and technologically intertwined world. Methodology. This paper analyses the theoretical framework of hybrid education, its manifestations in summer schools and since it needs contextualisation, how it works in a specific case of Baltic Summer University organised by Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania). Research and conclusion. To reach their target audience, summer schools combine academic content, and the elements of business and entertainment. This results in a separate mode of education with new possibilities and scope, however poses a paradox: while the adoption of business and entertainment practices puts summer schools somewhat outside the realm of the traditional university practices, it makes higher education more approachable and able to react to the fast-changing reality. Baltic Summer University fits the pattern established and as such, could benefit from a more active engagement of this theoretical approach and the opportunities it offers. Originality. While summer schools are not a particularly new phenomenon, recently this field has witnessed a great expansion in both the supply of programmes and interest from students. The nature of these programmes and sudden interest in them remains under the radar of more extensive in-depth studies, which would actually help to harness its full potential.



目标。本文的目的是讨论如何将暑期学校作为混合教育的实例,以及这如何帮助解决生活在文化和技术交织在一起的世界中的参与者的复杂需求。方法。本文分析了混合教育的理论框架,其在暑期学校中的表现以及由于它需要进行情境化,因此它在由Vytautas Magnus大学(立陶宛考纳斯)组织的波罗的海夏季大学的特定案例中如何工作。研究与结论。为了吸引目标受众,暑期学校结合了学术内容以及商业和娱乐元素。这导致了一种具有新的可能性和范围的单独的教育模式,但提出了一个悖论:尽管采用商务和娱乐方式使暑期学校在某种程度上超出了传统大学实践的范围,但它使高等教育更易于接近并且能够对瞬息万变的现实做出反应。波罗的海夏季大学符合既定的模式,因此,可以从这种理论方法的更积极参与及其提供的机会中受益。独创性。尽管暑期学校不是一个特别新的现象,但最近该领域的课程供应和学生兴趣都得到了极大的扩展。这些计划的性质和对它们的突然兴趣仍然在更广泛的深入研究的关注之下,这实际上将有助于发挥其全部潜力。它使高等教育更容易上手,并能够应对瞬息万变的现实。波罗的海夏季大学符合既定的模式,因此,可以从这种理论方法的更积极参与及其提供的机会中受益。独创性。尽管暑期学校不是一个特别新的现象,但最近该领域的课程供应和学生兴趣都得到了极大的扩展。这些计划的性质和对它们的突然兴趣仍然在更广泛的深入研究的关注之下,这实际上将有助于发挥其全部潜力。它使高等教育更容易上手,并且能够对瞬息万变的现实做出反应。波罗的海夏季大学符合既定的模式,因此,可以从这种理论方法的更积极参与及其提供的机会中受益。独创性。尽管暑期学校不是一个特别新的现象,但最近该领域的课程供应和学生兴趣都得到了极大的扩展。这些计划的性质和对它们的突然兴趣仍然在更广泛的深入研究的关注之下,这实际上将有助于发挥其全部潜力。可以从这种理论方法的更积极参与及其提供的机会中受益。独创性。尽管暑期学校不是一个特别新的现象,但最近该领域的课程供应和学生兴趣都得到了极大的扩展。这些计划的性质和对它们的突然兴趣仍然在更广泛的深入研究的关注之下,这实际上将有助于发挥其全部潜力。可以从这种理论方法的更积极参与及其提供的机会中受益。独创性。尽管暑期学校不是一个特别新的现象,但最近该领域的课程供应和学生兴趣都得到了极大的扩展。这些计划的性质和对它们的突然兴趣仍然在更广泛的深入研究的关注之下,这实际上将有助于发挥其全部潜力。