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Colonialism in Early Education, Care, and Intervention: A Knowledge Synthesis
Journal of Childhood Studies Pub Date : 2019-10-23 , DOI: 10.18357/jcs444201919209
Kathryn Underwood , Nicole Ineese-Nash , Arlene Haché

Kathryn Underwood is a professor in the School of Early Childhood Studies and the project director for the Inclusive Early Childhood Service System (IECSS) Project at Ryerson University. Her work focuses on equity and disability issues in early childhood studies, as well as in education, care, and intervention social policy and practice. Kathryn’s research uses critical disability theory as a starting point for understanding how society responds to and constructs childhood through social institutions. Email: kunderwood@ryerson.ca



凯瑟琳·安德伍德 (Kathryn Underwood) 是瑞尔森大学幼儿研究学院的教授和包容性幼儿服务系统 (ICSS) 项目的项目主管。她的工作重点是幼儿研究以及教育、护理和干预社会政策和实践中的公平和残疾问题。Kathryn 的研究使用批判性残疾理论作为理解社会如何通过社会制度回应和构建童年的起点。电子邮件:kunderwood@ryerson.ca