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Cooperative Principles in the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Debate: Grice's Maxim Analysis
Applied Linguistics Research Journal Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.14744/alrj.2019.85057
Nur Azmi Laila

This research aimed to analyze the types of maxims of the cooperative principle that were used and also violated in the 2019 Indonesian presidential debate. A descriptive method was applied to examine the research questions. The data of this study were the conversations that fulfilled and violated the cooperative principle based on four maxims of cooperative principles: Maxim of quantity, maxim of relation, maxim of manner, and maxim of quality. The results of this qualitative study revealed that the two maxims violated by the candidates in the 2019 Indonesian presidential debates were the maxim of relevance and maxim of manner. The maxim of manner was the mostly violated maxim by the candidates. The candidates not only violated but also fulfilled the maxims of the cooperative principle. They fulfilled the maxim of relevance, maxim of manner, and maxim of quality. Furthermore, the maxim of quality was the maxim that was mostly fulfilled by the candidates in the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Debates.


