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Psychological Adjustment of Expatriate Children in Cultural Transitions
International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies Pub Date : 2020-02-12 , DOI: 10.18357/ijcyfs111202019471
Anu Warinowski , Eero Laakkonen

The aim of the current study was to define the factorial structure of the psychological adjustment (PA) of Finnish expatriate children (EC) and to construct a model consisting of three child-level variables (age, school success, and attitude toward moving). Survey data concerning Finnish EC (N = 324) who had lived temporarily abroad were gathered from the EC’s parents. The mean age of the children was 4.8 years in the expatriation context and 8.2 years in the repatriation context. PA was examined using the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (ZSDS). Survey data were subject to a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). A hypothesized two-factor structure (physiological and affective factors) of PA was fitted for the sample using the CFA. A SEM of PA was presented, where the child-level explanatory variables were the age of the child, school success, and attitude toward moving. The main findings were the following: First, there is a two-factor structure of Finnish EC’s PA with both physiological and affective factors. Second, a model of PA with three child-level variables (age, school success, and attitude toward moving) was constructed. The results contribute to the understanding of PA in general and EC’s PA in particular. This study increases our understanding of EC’s PA in unique and novel contexts of dual cultural transitions. This comprehension is important in an increasingly globalized world, especially in clinical and other support contexts, where professionals work for children’s mental well-being.



本研究的目的是定义芬兰外籍儿童(EC)的心理适应(PA)的阶乘结构,并构建一个由三个儿童水平变量(年龄,学业成功和对迁移的态度)组成的模型。从欧共体父母那里收集了有关暂时居住在国外的芬兰欧共体(N = 324)的调查数据。在遣返方面,儿童的平均年龄是4.8岁,在遣返方面是8.2岁。使用Zung自评抑郁量表(ZSDS)检查PA。对调查数据进行验证性因子分析(CFA)和结构方程模型(SEM)。使用CFA将假设的PA的两因素结构(生理和情感因素)拟合为样品。提出了PA的SEM,儿童级别的解释变量是儿童的年龄,学业成功和对迁移的态度。主要发现如下:首先,芬兰EC的PA具有两因素结构,包括生理因素和情感因素。其次,构建了具有三个儿童水平变量(年龄,学业成功和对运动的态度)的PA模型。这些结果有助于对PA的整体理解,尤其是对EC的PA的理解。这项研究增加了我们在双重文化过渡的独特和新颖背景下对EC的PA的理解。在日益全球化的世界中,尤其是在临床和其他支持环境中,专业人员对儿童的心理健康有所帮助,这种理解非常重要。首先,芬兰EC的PA具有两因素结构,包括生理因素和情感因素。其次,构建了具有三个儿童水平变量(年龄,学业成功和对运动的态度)的PA模型。这些结果有助于对PA的整体理解,尤其是对EC的PA的理解。这项研究增加了我们在双重文化过渡的独特和新颖背景下对EC的PA的理解。在日益全球化的世界中,尤其是在临床和其他支持环境中,专业人员对儿童的心理健康有所帮助,这种理解非常重要。首先,芬兰EC的PA具有两因素结构,包括生理因素和情感因素。其次,构建了具有三个儿童水平变量(年龄,学业成功和对运动的态度)的PA模型。这些结果有助于对PA的整体理解,尤其是对EC的PA的理解。这项研究增加了我们在双重文化过渡的独特和新颖背景下对EC的PA的理解。在日益全球化的世界中,尤其是在临床和其他支持环境中,专业人员对儿童的心理健康有所帮助,这种理解非常重要。这些结果有助于对PA的整体理解,尤其是对EC的PA的理解。这项研究增加了我们在双重文化过渡的独特和新颖背景下对EC的PA的理解。在日益全球化的世界中,尤其是在临床和其他支持环境中,专业人员对儿童的心理健康有所帮助,这种理解非常重要。这些结果有助于对PA的整体理解,尤其是对EC的PA的理解。这项研究增加了我们在双重文化过渡的独特和新颖背景下对EC的PA的理解。在日益全球化的世界中,尤其是在临床和其他支持环境中,专业人员对儿童的心理健康有所帮助,这种理解非常重要。