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Determination of Sample Size and Observation Units
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education Pub Date : 2019-12-15 , DOI: 10.21449/ijate.591669
Tülin ACAR 1

The purpose of this study was to write programs to define sampling sizes and observation units by probability sampling methods and to provide an idea for software developers . The algorithms of the programs were written in Python 3. The programs may be run by double-clicking on the Windows operating system or by the command prompt of the DOS operating system. Each exe file has a memory space of 5 megabits on average. In this respect, the application files are very useful in terms of sharing by email and mobility by USB memory sticks.



本研究的目的是编写程序以通过概率抽样方法定义抽样规模和观察单位,并为软件开发人员提供一个思路。程序的算法用Python 3编写。可以通过双击Windows操作系统或DOS操作系统的命令提示符来运行程序。每个exe文件平均具有5兆位的内存空间。在这方面,应用程序文件在通过电子邮件共享和通过USB记忆棒进行移动方面非常有用。